利用Microsoft Access 2013 Runtime,可以将 Access 2013 应用程序分发给未在计算机上安装 Access 2013 完整版的用户。
Microsoft Access 2013 Runtime 可讓您將 Access 2013 applications 分散給沒有在電腦上安裝 Access 2013 完整版的使用者。
与以前的运行库类似,Access 2016 Runtime 也删除或禁用了与设计有关的所有 UI。 你无需购买任何专门的产品即可重新分发 Access 2016 Runtime。你可以免费重新分发它,也可以让用户访问此下载。 官方下载地址: 3. Access runtime 2013下载 利用Microsoft Access 2013 Runtime,可以将 Access 2013 应用程序分发给未在...
与以前的运行库类似,Access 2016 Runtime 也删除或禁用了与设计有关的所有 UI。官方下载地址:3. Access runtime 2013下载 利用 Microsoft Access 2013 Runtime,可以将 Access 2013 应用程序分发给未在计算机上安装 Access 2013 完整版的用户。Microsoft Access 2013 提供了一个内容丰富的平台用于开发数...
However, in access 2013 runtime, this does not seem to work, although it does work on the full version. Strangely it does work for local drives: The warning appears if the .accde is copied to the local (say C:\Temp) drive, but disappears once the registry is changed, so this does ...
However, in access 2013 runtime, this does not seem to work, although it does work on the full version. Strangely it does work for local drives: The warning appears if the .accde is copied to the local (say C:\Temp) drive, but disappears once the registry is changed, so this does ...
Microsoft Access Runtime 2013不需要密钥,这只是个ACCESS 2013的运行时,不是开发版ACCESS,官网上有明确说明
I have an Access 2013 runtime installed on a Windows 10 PC that has also Office 365 installed. When I run an Access 2013 database (backend is in MS SQL server 2014) it works well for three weeks now... Frank8887 If you have a version of Office 365 without Access installed there...
回答:Microsoft Access Runtime 2013不需要密钥,这只是个ACCESS 2013的运行时,不是开发版ACCESS,官网上有明确说明
Microsoft Office Access各版本下载地址:http://www.accessoft.com/download.html 简介access(微软发布的...