使用RunSQL 操作通过相应的 SQL 语句运行 Microsoft Access 操作查询。 还可以运行数据定义查询。此方法仅适用于 Access 数据库。SQLStatement 参数的最大长度为 32,768 个字符, (与“宏”窗口中的 SQLStatement 操作参数不同,) 的最大长度为 256 个字符。
Run SQL queries to Microsoft Access Troubleshoot SQL queries Configure proxy settings Use logical operations on conditional statements Handle custom forms Share/export a desktop flow Run desktop flow from other desktop flows Set screen resolution on unattended mode Run Power Automate with elevated rights...
图3.119写删除查询SQL代码(3) 选择表tblSalelist,单击【添加(A)】按钮,再单击【关闭(C)】按钮后,画面如图3.120所示: 图3.120写删除查询SQL代码(4) 选择*和comSale字段,如图3.121所示: 图3.121写删除查询SQL代码(5) 在菜单栏上选择【查询(Q)】,单击子菜单 ,如图3.122所示: 图3.122写删除查询SQL代码(6) 然后...
RunSQL(SQLStatement, UseTransaction) expression:表示 DoCmd 对象的变量。 参数: 注释 通过使用相应的 SQL 语句,可以用 RunSQL 操作来运行 Microsoft Access 的动作查询。 还可以运行数据定义查询。 此方法仅适用于 Access 数据库。 _SQLStatement_参数的最大长度为32768个字符 (与 "宏" 窗口中的 " SQLStatemen...
5.Type your SQL commands to create the query. 6.Click theRunbutton on the Ribbon to execute the query. 3. 64位mdb访问,ACCESS Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 @IS2120#CNBLOGS.T2169364049[T1,L65,R1,V259]:备忘 ...
Use the RunSQL action to run a Microsoft Access action query by using the corresponding SQL statement. You can also run a data-definition query.This method only applies to Access databases.The maximum length of the SQLStatement argument is 32,768 characters (unlike the SQLStatement action ...
Use the RunSQL action to run a Microsoft Access action query by using the corresponding SQL statement. You can also run a data-definition query. This method only applies to Access databases. The maximum length of theSQLStatementargument is 32,768 characters (unlike theSQLStatementaction argument...
整合了以下3种执行SQL语句的方法:DoCmd.RunSQLCurrentDb.ExecuteCurrentProject.Connection.Execute默认使用 DoCmd.RunSQL,如果有该方法不能处理的SQL语句时,会自动更换为其它两种方法执行。该函数的作用主要是为了对执行SQL语句的三种方法进行统一,以便于使用。
Access SQL: FROM clause Access SQL: WHERE clause Top of Page Sorting the results: ORDER BY Like Microsoft Excel, Access lets you sort query results in a datasheet. You can also specify in the query how you want to sort the results when the query is run, by using an ORDER BY clause....
Access SQL: FROM clause Access SQL: WHERE clause Top of Page Sorting the results: ORDER BY Like Microsoft Excel, Access lets you sort query results in a datasheet. You can also specify in the query how you want to sort the results when the query is run, by using an ORDER...