Access to the collections of research papers is available through the links below (all links to Taylor & Francis Online). Please note that free access expires at the end of July 2013. International Financial Reporting Standards (20 papers) Sustainability in Accounting (13 papers) The Financial Cr...
Open Journal of Tropical Medicine is a one of a different journal which offers a comprehensive range of multidisciplinary research and review papers, covering topics ranging from Tropical Medicine. This journal aims to stimulate scientific and policy debate and provide a forum for analysis ... Read...
The manuscripts could be posted in existing archives, such as a university server or arXiv, the physics preprint server.KaiserJocelynScienceKaiser, J 2006 Bill Would Require Free Public Access to Research Papers. Science, 312: 828a-828a. DOI:
Maybe you have access to it through your library or university, maybe it’s available to download for free through an open access portal, maybe the author uploaded a PDF to a website somewhere – but how are you going to find it? PaperPanda is here to help! Just click the tiny ...
So, can students outside China download papers for free? 别担心!暖心的小编已经为大家找到了成熟的解决方案,且听搬运工小编我为大家慢慢道来。 Don’t worry, we have already made it possible for students all over the world to use the E-reso...
viIncorporated into Indagationes Mathematicae viiContinued as Information and Computation viiiFormerly known as Information and Control ixContinued as Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A and Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B xFormerly part of Journal of Combinatoria...
reputation as the research scholarly explore these works extensively. This process assures considerable impact factor for the journal and reputation to the authors that add value to their Academic Performance Index (API) Score. Because of the free accessopen access journals impact factorsare improving....
The ‘green’ system relies on researchers archiving published articles in public repositories, for free. However, publishers can sometimes prohibit researchers from sharing their final papers, only allowing them to submit earlier drafts that have not been peer reviewed. ...
SoftwareXaims to acknowledge the impact of software on today's research practice, and on new scientific discoveries in almost all research domains. Moreover,SoftwareXalso aims to stress the importance of the software developers who are, in part, responsible for this impact....
Despite growing research on RL-based KG (RL-KG for short), there is not a survey that systematically reviews relevant papers, and presents open problems and challenges for future works, which is the motivation of this paper. Without such a systematical survey, some scholars may spend much time...