If the Open function fails, you can't call other functions or access the data in the query. If you try to complete this action, a run-time error occurs. The Open function only runs the query object and generates a dataset; it does not return the first row of the result set. To ...
If theErrCodefield displays 0x01, the access device notifies the Portal server that the information query packet fails to be processed because this function is not supported. If theErrCodefield displays 0x02, the access device notifies the Portal server that the information query packet fails to ...
If it does not, it creates child controls. (Inherited from Control) EnsureID() Creates an identifier for controls that do not have an identifier assigned. (Inherited from Control) Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object...
This API is provided for the administrator to query the permissions of a user group for a region-specific project.The API can be called using both the global endpoint and
InitialQueryParameter InteropKind InteropPermission InterpolationMode IntvScale Io IO_Status Job KernelHelpType KernelUnitTestBase Keywords LabelPosition LateEvalMode LicenseCodeGroup LicenseCodeType LineThickness LineType ListPage ListPageArgs ListPageInteraction ListPageLinkMode LoadAutoCompleteDataEventArgs LoginProper...
このハンドルは、セキュリティ ポリシー違反の可能性を防ぐために、ローカルの名前付きパイプなどの通信セッション 層を介して取得する必要があります。 呼び出し元は、指定したトークンTOKEN_QUERYアクセス権を持っている必要があります。
expr1[NOT]Betweenvalue1Andvalue2 In Microsoft Access SQL,value1can be greater thanvalue2; in ANSI SQL,value1must be equal to or less thanvalue2. Microsoft Access SQL supports both ANSI SQL wildcard characters and Microsoft Access-specific wildcard characters to use with th...
Why does a file in a NAS file system belong to different owners when I query the file on two ECS instances? In NAS file systems, users are identified by User Identifiers (UIDs) or Group Identifiers (GIDs) instead of user names. The owner name of a file that you query on an ECS inst...
For the input ACL, the log displays the raw MAC information. The keyword “MAC=” does not refer to showing an Ethernet MAC frame with MAC address information. It refers to the Layer 2 MAC-layer information dumped to the log. For the outp...