新建“复合框”:复合框的参数设置和文本框类似,重点也是(名称)、Font和TextAlign三个参数。复合框需要指定下拉选项的可选项值,一般通过VBA代码的形式,在窗体初始化的时候指定,后续会详细介绍。 新建“命令按钮”:同“文本框”,需要设置(名称)、Font和TextAlign三个参数参数,其中属性(名称)在编写命令提交执行代码的时...
Dim Query1 As QueryDef CurrentDb.QueryDefs.Refresh For Each Query1 In CurrentDb.QueryDefs If Query1.Name = "想要删除的查询名称" Then CurrentDb.QueryDefs.Delete Query1.Name Exit For End If Next Query1 使用ADO和SQL语句建立一个新查询 来源:ACCESS中国 huanghai Dim cat As New ADOX.Catalog Dim...
使用Array 函数创建的数组的下界受 Option Base 语句指定的下界的决定, 除非 Array 是由类型库(例如 VBA.Array )名称限定。如果是由类型库名称限定,则 Array 不受 Option Base 的影响。 注意 没有作为数组声明的 Variant 也可以表示数组。除了长度固定的字符串以及用户定义类型之外,Variant 变量可以表示任何类型的数...
When you run a macro that calls a Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) function in a Microsoft Office Access 2007 or later database, you receive the following error message: Action Failed Macro Name:MacroName Condition:Condition Macro Name: RunCode Arguments:Arguments Error Number: 2950 ...
Sub ExecuteSQL(sql As String)'//执行SQL语句dbs = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\DataBase1101.accdb"CallOpenConnection(dbs)conn.Execute (sql)conn.CloseSetconn=NothingEndSub FunctionIsTableEmpty(tblAsString)AsBoolean'//检查表格是否有记录Dim arr()Dim sql As String'//数据库dbs = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\...
--- 1.程序主模块 --- 定义Excel、Access对象变量,显示系统启动画面,进入系统主程序界面。强调一下,在编写程序之前须加入对Excel及Access库函数的引用,具体操作是:选择菜单栏'工程'\'引用…',将'可使用的引用'列表框内'Microsoft Access 8.0 Object Library'和 'Microsoft Excel 8.0 Object Library'两项前的复...
The CDec() function is supported in Visual Basic for Applications code, but not in Access queries. Resolution Create a custom function that uses the CDec() function. Call this custom function from your Access query. For example: Create a new module and type the following code: ...
Declare the function in VBA as described previously and access it via a VBA user-defined function. Call the DLL function using CALL on an XLM macro sheet, and access it via an XLM user-defined function. Use an XLM or VBA command to call the XLMREGISTERfunction, which provides the informat...
", vbInformation, _"Select a file using the Common Dialog DLL"ElseLaunchCD = Trim(Left(OpenFile.lpstrFile, InStr(1, OpenFile.lpstrFile, vbNullChar) -1))EndIfEndFunction 在“调试”菜单上,单击“编译 Northwind”,然后关闭 Visual Basic 编辑器。
", vbInformation, _"Select a file using the Common Dialog DLL"ElseLaunchCD = Trim(Left(OpenFile.lpstrFile, InStr(1, OpenFile.lpstrFile, vbNullChar) -1))EndIfEndFunction 在“调试”菜单上,单击“编译 Northwind”,然后关闭 Visual Basic 编辑器。