Online Banking Payday Loan Calculator Your financial needs are important to us. We know that some emergencies arise before payday and you may be low on cash. With Payday Loan by Access, you can borrow money and pay back at the agreed time. ...
It grants salary earners access to various forms of financing support:Pay Day advancein less than 10 minutes,Personal loans,Advance for school fees,Vehicle Finance,Home Loans,Maternal Health services Support(MHSS),the first of its kind financing for women in Nigeria. ...
All these payment features make it easier for business owners and individuals to perform essential banking transactions, creating better payment avenues for them. One other very interesting feature on the app is the gift cards (e-voucher). Electronic voucher market has seen a steady growth in Nig...
Herein, you will discover the Access Bank transfer USSD codes for sending money to any bank in Nigeria. Not only sending money, there is more for you to find out here. Just read on. In line with the cashless economy policy and in a bid to making mobile banking more effortless, a lot ...
In line with our commitment to positively change the narrative about Africa, we have launched an online television... Your Health and Safety Remains a Priority... In line with our promise of providing more than banking, Access Bank has been keenly monitoring reports on the... ...
The Official Website of Access Bank (Ghana) PlcWhether you're at home, in the office or on the go, we make it easy to bank with us, with a variety of ways to bank, you can decide how, when and where you do your banking.
Stay safe by staying alert! Suspect you are a victim of fraud? Report fraudulent activity not associated with Online Banking: Call +220 6611605, +220 6611627, +220 6611712 or email:compliance-auditandinternalcontrol@accessbankgambia.comReport fraudulent activity within Online Banking. ...
Swedfund grants Access Bank Nigeria $30 million loan to support SMEs Joseph Olaoluwa3 months ago Uncategorized TechCabal Daily – South Africa’s cybersecurity woes Timi Odueso3 months ago Banking “Our vision is now global,” says Nigeria’s Access Holdings as it begins $233 million capital...
As part of its effort to ensure its customers have easy access to their funds and can carry out seamless transactions during this COVID times, Nigeria’s leading retail bankAccess Bankhas launched a revolutionarymobile banking application.
It is believed that Access Bank’s commitment to empowering female entrepreneurs will continue to contribute immensely to the growth of SMEs in Nigeria and further impact the social and economic growth of the country. ### Read: BA’s LEO: Celebrating 3...