Access your Account with IMAP, SMTP or POP3 with these setup instructions from February 2025
Access your Account with IMAP, SMTP or POP3 with these setup instructions from March 2025
oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("object.dat")); //2. oos.writeObject(new String("我爱北京天安门")); oos.flush();//刷新操作 oos.writeObject(new Person("王铭",23)); oos.flush(); oos.writeObject(new Person("张学良",23,1001,new Account(5000))); oos.flush(); } ca...
生成JKS文件(包含公钥和私钥):keytool -genkeypair -alias mytest -keyalg RSA -keypass mypass -keystore mytest.jks -storepass mypass 导出公钥 :keytool -list -rfc --keystore mytest.jks | openssl x509 -inform pem -pubkey 自定义额外信息 Payload 是 JWT 存储信息的主体,有时候需要额外的信息加到...
Configure KCD so that the Microsoft Entra application proxy service can delegate user identities to the Reporting Services application pool account. Configure the private network connector to retrieve Kerberos tickets for Microsoft Entra ID authenticated users. The server passes the context to the ...
Configure KCD so that the Microsoft Entra application proxy service can delegate user identities to the Reporting Services application pool account. Configure the private network connector to retrieve Kerberos tickets for Microsoft Entra ID authenticated users. The server passes the context to the ...
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Access News Access DevCon Hi Arnel, Copy/paste errors: 3 times the comma in "Or ,[region]" shouldn't be there. Hiarnel_gp, yes. Noticed this and corrected. The query had to first satisfy the condition of returning L2L for all the cases where SO and Descriptions were same. ...
Try to test on the account that you create that application Hi @cdragon1116 and thanks. I know: my account was created in Italy, I use to succesfully get the token, but "asking" for orders it bounce me. Maybe the problem is the accout? Maybe the IAM ...
Enter the service account you set up for Reporting Services. SelectOK. To save the changes, selectOKagain. For more information, seeKerberos Constrained Delegation for single sign-on to your apps with application proxy. Step 2: Publish Reporting Services through Microsoft Entra application proxy ...