Microsoft ProgressBar Control 6.0 (SP6) Microsoft Slider Control 6.0 (SP6) Microsoft StatusBar Control 6.0 (SP6) Microsoft TabStrip Control 6.0 (SP6) Microsoft 工具栏控件 6.0 (SP6) Microsoft TreeView Control 6.0 (SP6) 备注 版本号和 Service Pack 级别可能不同于“6.0 (SP6) ”。安装此更新后,...
Progress Bar Control Overviews MSMQQueue.Handle Button Controls Reference Response Queues How-To Use Different Views Opening Multiple Queues Methods Functions Functions Functions Header Controls Reference MSMQQueue.PeekFirstByLookupId ITextSelection Synchronous Reading Notifications Status Bars Overview ITextSelecti...
Microsoft ProgressBar Control 6.0 (SP6) Microsoft Slider Control 6.0 (SP6) Microsoft StatusBar Control 6.0 (SP6) Microsoft TabStrip Control 6.0 (SP6) Microsoft Toolbar Control 6.0 (SP6) Microsoft TreeView Control 6.0 (SP6) Note: The version number and service pack level may be something other...
5.通用控件链接库(Common Control Library) 为应用程序提供接口来访问操作系统提供的一些高级控件。比如像:状态栏(status bar)、进度条(progress bars)、工具栏(toolbar)和标签(tab)。这个链接库位于:16位Windows下的commctrl.dll中,以及32位Windows下comctl32.dll中。。它被归类为User Interface API之下。 6.Win...
Microsoft ProgressBar Control 6.0 (SP6) Microsoft Slider Control 6.0 (SP6) Microsoft StatusBar Control 6.0 (SP6) Microsoft TabStrip コントロール 6.0 (SP6) Microsoft ツールバー コントロール 6.0 (SP6) Microsoft TreeView コントロール 6.0 (SP6) 注意 バージョン番号と Service Pack レベル...
Status bar You can display a status bar at the bottom of the window. This standard UI element continues to be the place to look for status messages, property hints, progress indicators, and so on. The status bar also takes on two standard functions that you will also see in the status...
Scott on Microsoft Access Could Not Lock File (Error 3050): Cannot Open Database Error LukeChung on Microsoft Access Version Comparison Matrix Tim Mixon on Microsoft Windows Common Control Library (MSCOMCTL.OCX) Security Update Requires Fixing Jim Buccigrossi on Microsoft Access Version Comparison Matr...
Plays the available sounds that are associated with Microsoft Office program events, such as opening, saving, and printing files, and displaying error messages. Sounds that are assigned to different events can be changed in theSounds Propertiesdialog box in Windows Control Panel. If y...
4. Navbar, label background, Toolbar divider color 5. Menu background 6. 3D Border color: dark 7. 3D Border color: normal, View header gradient (second line -- should be slightly darter than 15) 8. Infobar background 9. Infobar text 10. S/MIME progress indicator background 11. Tab...
Datenmakros sind vergleichbar mit den Triggern des Microsoft SQL Server. Gewissermaßen ähnelt ein Datenmakro einer Validierungsregel, nur dass eine Validierungsregel recht »dumm« ist, denn sie kann keine Daten ändern oder bestimmen, welche Korrekturen erforderlich sind. Alles was ...