Conclusion: Improving Access to Mental Health and Addictions Services for marginalized populations requires planning innovative approaches. Ideally, these approaches are co-designed with all stakeholders, tailored to the community needs and meet clients where they are at. These innovativ...
Access Line Mental Health & Addictions telephone support is a free service for all Niagara residents over the age of 16. Call yourself or for someone you care about and we’ll connect you to the appropriate mental health and addictions service. ...
Dilico provides a range of responsive individual, family, and community programs and services for the complete life journey of Anishinabek people. Dilico is a self-governed organization that is recognized as a leader in research and delivery of child welfare, mental health and addictions, and ...
While the Canadian government has announced billions in additional funding for mental health care and addictions, experts and practitioners acknowledge thatthe public system has not kept up with needs. This leads us to ask: is mental health a responsibility ...
The National Council pointed out that the Excellence in Mental Health Act would provide a secure, steady source of funding for community-based mental health and addictions services provided by qualified organizations. These organizations would be designated as Federally Qualified Behavioral Health Centers....
"When it comes topsychiatric carein Ontario, we cannot maintain the status quo," says lead author Dr. Paul Kurdyak, psychiatrist and scientist with CAMH's Institute for Mental Health Policy Research, who is also the lead scientist for the ICES Mental Health and Addictions Research Program. ...
Minister of Addictions and Mental Health Sheila Malcolmson said the provincial government has heard “loud and clear” that investments in child and youth mental health is “the most important thing we can do as a province.” Asked about wait times for youth trying to access ...
Minister of Addictions and Mental Health Sheila Malcolmson said the provincial government has heard “loud and clear” that investments in child and youth mental health is “the most important thing we can do as a province.” Asked about wait times for youth trying to access support...
The 21-item Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21) (Lovibond & Lovibond,1995) assessed mental health in the week prior to admission. The DASS-21 measures depression, anxiety and stress through a four-point Likert scale, where scores range from 0 ‘did not apply to me at all’ to...
Few studies have examined the mental health needs of African children and teenagers. Based on this gap, this scoping review aims to identify barriers to mental health services, treatments and services sought, and where mental health services are received. Methods To pursue the stated objectives, we...