Scotland Scott Boras Scott DeAngelo Scott Farmer Scott Hudson Scott Huntley Scott Jenkins Scott McGregor Scott Stricklin Scottish Scottish Event Campus Scottish FA Scottish Football Association Scottish Gas Scottish Premiership Scottish Professional Football League Scottish Rugby Scramble Stadium Shibuya scrapped...
In Scotland, the Adult with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 requires that, if a dentist is of the opinion that an individual lacks capacity to consent to treatment, the authority to treat must be obtained, in most cases, from the medical practitioner primarily responsible for their care.5 Who...
Introducing a nationally shared electronic patient record: Case study comparison of Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland To compare the experience of the four UK countries in introducing nationally accessible electronic summaries of patients' key medical details, intended for... T Greenhalgh,L...
How should we evaluate patient access to their own records? An example with cancer patients in Scotland Government policy in many European countries now assumes that patients should have access to their own medical records. Increasingly such access can be use... R Jones,A Cawsey,D Bental,......
Banco Santander SA also acquired 318 retail branches from Royal Bank of Scotland Group (RBS). Asset sale activity is set to continue into the foreseeable future, with UK-based Lloyds, Netherlands-based ING and Belgium-based KBC all expected to shed assets in 2011. There are also signs that ...
BESST is a low-risk non-medical trial. Research workers from each site will note adverse events (AEs)/serious adverse events (SAEs) at each follow-up interview and enter these into the MACRO database, and any SAEs or suspected SAEs that are recorded will be reported to the trial manager....
Lossless compression techniques are used when storing medical images, text and images preserved for legal reason, some computer executable files, database records, spreadsheets or word processing files, where the lost of even a single bit could be catastrophic. Example of lossless data compression is...
NHS Health Scotland, University of Warwick, University of Edinburgh. Short Warwick Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale (SWEMWBS). 2008. Taggart F, Stewart-Brown S, Parkinson J. Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS) User Guide Version 2. Warwick Medical School: University of Warwick an...
Various other vaccines against respiratory infections were reported in the studies. The BCG vaccines reported were only offered to children, and the VCR ranged from as low as 57.6% among asylum seekers in Germany to 84.6% in settled Polish migrant children in Scotland [21,22]. However, when ...