Methods:A cross-sectional observational study was carried out in 2021 convenient sample of 228 from the elderly patients aged 60-year-old or above who are attending Al-Wazart health center of Prince Sultan Military Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. A data collection form that consists of two...
David Etsey Akpakli, Alfred Kwesi Manyeh, Jonas Kofi Akpakli, Vida Kukula & Margaret Gyapong 8279 Accesses 4 Altmetric Explore all metrics Abstract Objective Access to improved sanitation facilities is critical to the health and well-being of individuals and communities. However, globally, ...
This study explores the influence of financial statement audits on tax compliance directly and indirectly through access to finance, and it examines gender roles to improve tax compliance through access to finance and financial statement audits. The samp
aItchriatsicbael eisnsuesetinmoat toendlythfaotr, cinos2t0r0e7d,u3c7t%ionofbtuhteatlostoalfocrarabgorneeenmeirsseinovnisroonf mtheenwt.hIot lheaIsCbTeeinndeusstitmryawteads tdhuaet, tiont2h0e0n7e, t3w7%orkofinthfreastotrtuacltcuarrebaonndedmeivsiscioesn.sBoyf2t0h2e0w, IhCoTleisICexT...