select iif( isnull(字段) ,0,1)这是如果这时字段为null,返回为0,不为null返回1,Aceess里isnull只有一个参数,也只会返回true或者false,所以判断一般用iff,希望可以解决你的问题
IfIsNull(Me!性别控件)And NotIsNull(Me!姓名控件)ThenSQL="SELECT 姓名, 性别 FROM 表1 WHERE 姓名='"&Me!姓名控件&"'"ElseIfIsNull(Me!姓名控件)And NotIsNull(Me!性别控件)ThenSQL="SELECT 姓名, 性别 FROM 表1 WHERE 性别='"&Me!性别控件&"'"ElseSQL="SELECT 姓名, 性别 FROM 表1 "End If ...
A:FOR B:WHILE C:IF D:WHERE 答案:D 404、以下关于空值的叙述中,错误的是___。 A:空值表示字段还没有确定值 B:Access 使用 NULL 来表示空值 C:空值等同于空字符串 D:空值不等于数值 0 58 答案:C 405、使用表设计器定义表中字段时,不是必须设置的内容是___。 A:字段名称 B:数据类型 C:说明 D:...
If placed after an allow rule, they would not always perform their desired function.Just as new access rules can be added, existing ones may be removed. Be aware, though, that there is a difference between removing a right from a user and outright denying that right. For example, suppose...
If you install an application to some other location or grant the user the ability to choose his preferred location for an application, you have a problem: the default ACLs for other drives and for non-system and non-application areas of the system drive are not secure enough. In such case...
There are restrictions, however. You can’t update data if more than one base table is affected or the view contains aggregate functions or a DISTINCT clause. If SQL Server returns an error message saying it does not know which record to delete, you may need to add a ...
If you install an application to some other location or grant the user the ability to choose his preferred location for an application, you have a problem: the default ACLs for other drives and for non-system and non-application areas of the system drive are not secure e...
This will use the value of anonymousUID if not provided. Parameters: anonymousGid - the anonymousGid value to set. Returns: the NfsAccessRule object itself.withAnonymousUid public NfsAccessRule withAnonymousUid(String anonymousUid) Set the anonymousUid property: UID value that replaces 0 when ...
<Huawei>system-view[Huawei]interface vlanif 10[Huawei-Vlanif10]display this# ip address select interface# If the DHCP server function is not configured on VLANIF 10, configure this function by referring toExample for Configuring the Device as the DHCP Server to Dyn...