This version of CollectiveAccess is compatible with PHP versions 8.2 and 8.3. We are currently testing compatibility with PHP 8.4, but it should be usable with that version as well. It can be made to work with PHP versions as old as 7.4 if need be, but it is unsupported when used with...
Unable to login to domain when connected to network. Unable to obtain Terminal Server User Configuration. Error: Access is denied Unable to open certificate authority URL in HTTPS Protocol but works with HTTP Protocol Unable to ping IIS website with localhost computer using public IP Unable to RD...
This is known as role access. Role access is defined using the roledn keyword to specify that access to a targeted entry will be granted or denied if the user binds using a DN that belongs to a specific role. The roledn keyword requires one or more valid distinguished names in the ...
--> <add name="master" connectionString="DataSource=;Database=test;uid=root;pwd=12345!a" providerName="MySql.Data.MySqlClient"/> <!-- 从库:如果配置了多个数据库,数据库名称后缀是以1开始的数字。 --> <add name="secondary1" connectionString="DataSource=;Database=test;uid...
recurringappointmentmaster, recyclebinconfig, relationshipattribute, reportcategory, reportparameter, retaineddataexcel, retentioncleanupinfo, retentioncleanupoperation, retentionconfig, retentionfailuredetail, retentionoperation, retentionoperationdetail, retentionsuccessdetail, revokeinheritedaccessrecordstrack...
Access denied trying to add a computer alias Access denied trying to remove Server 2008R2 DC Access Denied when trying to remove extinct domain controller from AD Access Denied while updating GPO from Domain Controller & Access is denied error when create an GPO Access is Denied when renaming a...
The rest of this section uses the word group to stand interchangeably for a group or a role, to discuss security.After a group is created, it is then granted or denied permissions to database objects. All users in a specified group inherit the permissions of the group....
What does NOT work--and has never worked--is if a user shares a directory on their client desktop Mac, and assigns someone's network account credentials to the ACL. When this is done, the specified user's network credentials appear to be accepted (authenticated), but they are denied acce...
msdb - datareader, exec_function, execute, public, RSExecrole, SQLAgentOperatorRole, SQLAgentReaderRole, SQLAgentUserRole Utilities - alterobject, alterschema, create_function, create_sproc, create_table, create_view, datareader, datawriter, exec_function, execute, public ...
VAMT 3 gets "Access Denied" when using alternate credential to update license status on other domain VAMT 3.0 ACCESS IS DENIED VAMT 3.1 - The specified database is not a valid VAMT database VAMT access is denied when trying to activate online VBscript to set IE proxy VDS Basic Provider ...