显示的是access denied,就是说你被系统拒绝访问了,那么可能是组策略中针对用户登录的限制启用了,而你的某些行为给触发了策略,可以检查检查一下组策略,安全模式进去吧
1 reg load "hklm\offline software" c:\windows\system32\config\software 2 键入regedit打开注册表依次 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\offline SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList下在s-1-5-21打头的项中根据ProfileImagePath找不能登录的用户名,记下其sid,通常是2个 s-1-5-21-...1...
The error message they get is "Group policy client service failed the logon. Access is denied". This shows while logging in to that specific virtual machine in the host pool. Any possible cause for this? I know how to fix the problem if it occurs for the u...
Access Denied (policy_denied) 选择语言:从中文简体中文翻译英语日语韩语俄语德语法语阿拉伯文西班牙语葡萄牙语意大利语荷兰语瑞典语希腊语捷克语丹麦语匈牙利语希伯来语波斯语挪威语乌尔都语罗马尼亚语土耳其语波兰语到中文简体中文翻译英语日语韩语俄语德语法语阿拉伯文西班牙语葡萄牙语意大利语荷兰语瑞典语希腊语捷克语丹麦语...
Group policy error, You do not have permission to perform this operation. Details: Access Denied. This issue is usually present even when i set up a new active directory running any windows server version, By default opening local group policy editor from the client devices joined to...
Show More View Full Discussion (7 Replies)Show Parent Replies mariusz ferdyn Copper Contributor Here is answer:https://rzetelnekursy.pl/windows-virtual-desktop-the-group-policy-client-service-failed-the-sign-in-access-is-denied/ Share Resources...
The reason for the error message "Group Policy Client Service failed the sign in. Access is denied." may be caused by the following factors:Service failure: Group Policy Client Service itself may malfunction or stop running, which may cause this error message.System file corruption: Da...
Error creating group policy object: Access is denied when trying to create GPO's in a child domai 説明 If you have a root domain and multiple child domains, you will encounter Access is Denied when creating GPO's in a child domain if your GPOAdmin service...
When you try to promote Windows Server 2012 R2 or later domain controllers in an existing domain, the operation fails with an "Access is denied" error. This issue occurs even when the user is a member of the Domain Admins or Enterprise Admins group. ...