Re: VB6 and Access Database Add a REFERENCE to Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects X.X Library Code: 'Dim variables to use Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection Dim cmd As ADODB.Command Public Sub dbConnect() 'connection to the DB Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection With cnn ...
' BeginEventExampleVB02 Dim WithEvents connEvent As Connection Attribute connEvent.VB_VarHelpID = -1 Dim strMsg As String Private Sub Form_Load() On Error GoTo ErrHandler: Dim strConn As String ' Create a new object with event ' handling enabled. strConn = "Provider='sqloledb';" & ...
''' Gets or sets the string used to open a SQL Server database. ''' </summary> ''' <returns>The connection string that includes the source database name, and other parameters needed to establish the initial connection.</returns> Public Property ConnectionString() As String Get Return _co...
Access: A family of Microsoft relational database management systems designed for ease of use. Development: The process of researching, productizing, and refining new or existing technologies.
VB Copy Sub RecoverCorruptDB() Dim dbCorrupt As DAO.Database Dim dbCurrent As DAO.Database Dim td As DAO.TableDef Dim tdNew As DAO.TableDef Dim fld As DAO.Field Dim fldNew As DAO.Field Dim ind As DAO.Index Dim indNew As DAO.Index Dim qd As DAO.QueryDef Dim qdNew As DAO.Que...
(i).Name & _ ":" & vbTab & appAccess.Application.References(i).FullPath & vbCrLf Next appAccess.CloseCurrentDatabase Set appAccess = Nothing Exit_GetRefrencesString: Exit Function Err_GetRefrencesString: Set appAccess = Nothing MsgBox Err.Description Resume Exit_GetRefrencesString End ...
在开发一个VB.net的项目时,曾经整理出了一个DataBaseAccess的访问类,现在将该类分享下: Imports System Imports System.IO Imports System.Text Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.SqlClient Namespace SqlDataProvider Publi ...
Access 自定义 Web 应用参考 Access 桌面数据库参考 概述 概念 Microsoft 数据访问对象引用 Microsoft ActiveX 数据对象引用 概述 ADO 程序员指南 概述 ADO 简介 第I 节:ActiveX 数据对象 第I 节:ActiveX 数据对象 第1 章:ADO 基础知识 第2 章:获取数据 ...
strFN = Dir("C:\Temp\*.txt", vbNormal) Do While strFN <> "" i = i + 1 strFN = Dir() Loop MsgBox "有" & i & "个文件!" 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 当然如果用FSO对象,会简单很多。 2. 创建目录 ...
You need to create a reference to DAO to use the following code, which determines if a specified table name exists in a specified database. Code: Option Explicit Private Function TableExists(strTableName As String, strFullDbPath As String) As Boolean ' This function determines whether a t...