默认情况下,数字字段的设置为长整型。 长整型值存储大约 -20 亿到 +20 亿的整数。 或者,可以选择 Double 值来存储带小数的数字。 原因 出现此问题的原因是 dBase 中没有 Integer 数据类型。 dBase 使用 Numeric 或 Float 数据类型。 Access 将长整型映射到 dBase 中的数值数据类型。
默认情况下,数字字段的设置为长整型。 长整型值存储大约 -20 亿到 +20 亿的整数。 或者,可以选择 Double 值来存储带小数的数字。 原因 出现此问题的原因是 dBase 中没有 Integer 数据类型。 dBase 使用 Numeric 或 Float 数据类型。 Access 将长整型映射到 dBase 中的数值数据类型。
Access doesn’t export data that exceed Dataverse limits. Number: Integer Whole Number Dataverse: +/- 2,147,483,647 Access: +/- 2,147,483,647 (1, 2, or 4 bytes) Full support Number: Single (4 bytes) Number: Double (8 bytes) ...
ON [~~Kitsch'n Sync]([Auto],[Required]);"con.Execute"CREATE INDEX [IgnoreNulls Index] ON [~~Kitsch'n Sync]([Single],[Double]) WITH IGNORE NULL;"con.Execute"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX [Combined Index] ON [~~Kitsch'n Sync]([ShortText],[LongText]) WITH IGNORE NULL;"Setcon =Nothing'Add ...
Double|Decimal|DateTime|String" /> <asp:CookieParameter ConvertEmptyStringToNull="True|False" CookieName="string" DefaultValue="string" Direction="Input|Output|InputOutput| ReturnValue" Name="string" Size="integer" Type="Empty|Object|DBNull|Boolean|Char|SByte| Byte|Int16|UInt16|Int...
FLOAT(p)A floating point number. MySQL uses thepvalue to determine whether to use FLOAT or DOUBLE for the resulting data type. Ifpis from 0 to 24, the data type becomes FLOAT(). Ifpis from 25 to 53, the data type becomes DOUBLE() ...
these functions do not verify the array type of the input argument. For type-safe data access, use the CmxGetDoublesandmxGetComplexDoublesfunctions or the FortranmxGetDoublesandmxGetComplexDoublesfunctions. There are typed data access functions for each numericmxArraytype, as shown in this table. ...
DOUBLE VARCHAR(numeric count only) VARRAW(numeric count only) Any character datatype in the UTF16 character set Any string specified byRECORDSDELIMITEDBYstringand in the UTF16 character set Common platforms that generate little endian data include Windows 98 and Windows NT. Big endian platforms inc...
After the timeout on cached user entry has expired, the Access Server goes to the directory server to get user profile data needed during authentication actions and authorization actions. 20. In the Maximum Elements in Policy Cache field, type a number representing the number of items and ...