Access) (TextBox.ControlTipText 屬性 發行項 2023/04/07 6 位參與者 意見反應 本文內容 語法 註解 使用ControlTipText 屬性可指定當您將滑鼠指標停留在控制項上方時,顯示在 ScreenTip 中的文字。 讀取/寫入的 String。 語法 運算式。ControlTipText 表達 代表TextBox 物件的變數。 註解 您使用 255 個字元的...
Tip Although there are no restrictions on the name, it is good practice to use unique names for ACIs. If you use unique names, the “Get Effective Rights” control enables you to determine which ACI is in force. permission specifically states what rights you are either allowing or denying...
To create a custom tooltip for a control Open a form, report, or data access page in Design view. Select the control that you want to create a tip for, and then clickPropertieson theForm Design,Report Design, orPage Designtoolbar to open the control's property sheet. ...
Tip The touch keyboard is triggered only when tapping a textbox. Mouse clicks don't trigger the touch keyboard. If you're testing this feature, use a physical device instead of a virtual machine (VM), as the touch keyboard is not triggered on VMs. ...
For example, to print a report's title page on a separate page, place the page break in theReport Headersection after controls that you want to appear on the title page. In the example below, the page break control is between the header and the description text box...
If the selected control is a gallery, to select the control, press Spacebar or Enter. Then, press the Tab key to browse the items. Tip: In galleries with more than one row of items, the Tab key moves the focus from the beginning to the end of the current row. When you reach the...
TipIf the security principal is network based, you can click Locations and select a target, or you can type in the domain name together with the group name, such as reskit\users. It is important to specify the correct object types and the locations for your search. Failure to do so wil...
BaseControl Microsoft.Crm.UnifiedServiceDesk.CommonUtility Microsoft.Crm.UnifiedServiceDesk.CommonUtility.AppModuleManager Microsoft.Crm.UnifiedServiceDesk.CommonUtility.Communication Microsoft.Crm.UnifiedServiceDesk.CommonUtility.Compressors Microsoft.Crm.UnifiedServiceDesk.CommonUtility.Constants Microsoft....
Click a Text Box control in the Toolbox, and then click on the form to place the control. Double-click the text box and in the Name property under the All tab, type txtRange. Click a Text Box control in the Toolbox, and then click on the form to place a second control. Double-...