Access Control List,用来表示用户(组)权限的列表,包括DACL和SACL。 ACE: Access Control Entry,ACL中的元素。 DACL: Discretionary Access Control List,用来表示安全对象权限的列表。 SACL: System Access Control List,用来记录对安全对象访问的日志。 直观理解: Windows访问控制模型中会用到ACL,比如文件、注册表的...
An access control list (ACL) is a list of access control entries (ACEs) created by the operating system to control the security behavior associated with a given (protected) object of some sort. In Windows there are two types of ACLs:A...
$ACE=New-ADObjectAccessControlEntry-InheritanceTypeAll-AccessControlTypeAllow-PrincipalIdentitytest1-Right#这里填写你的用户名 AccessSystemSecurity,CreateChild,Delete,DeleteChild,DeleteTree,ExtendedRight,GenericAll,GenericExecute,GenericRead,GenericWrite,ListChildren,ListObject,ReadControl,ReadProperty,Self,Synchronize...
VOID WINAPI BuildExplicitAccessWithName(_Inout_PEXPLICIT_ACCESS pExplicitAccess, //传入待初始化的_EXPLICIT_ACCESS,初始化后返回 _In_opt_ LPTSTR pTrusteeName, _In_ DWORD AccessPermissions, _In_ ACCESS_MODE AccessMode, _In_ DWORD Inheritance ); (3)调用SetEntriesInAcl,将自己要加入的ACE数组(_EX...
By default, a DACL is controlled by the user who created the object or the owner of the object that the DACL belongs to. Just like in the case of an ACL, each entry of the list is called an access control entry or ACE. System Access Control List (SACL) ...
advantage is access control. You can restrict who has access to data on your computer, or on the network, using access control lists in Windows XP on a drive formatted to use NTFS. The access control features allow you to restrict access to a specific user, a computer, or a group of ...
列出windowsPrivacyDataAccessControlItems 项目 2024/08/02 12 个参与者 反馈 本文内容 权限 HTTP 请求 请求标头 请求正文 显示另外 2 个 命名空间:microsoft.graph 重要: Microsoft /beta 版本下的 Graph API 可能会发生更改;不支持生产使用。 注意:适用于 Intune 的 Microsoft Graph API 需要适用于...
as a file) inherits access control information from its parent object (such as a folder) only when the object is first created. In Windows XP Professional, objects inherit access control information not only when they are created, but also when the parent object’s access control list changes...
Before I delve into the technical details, I want to take a look at the permissions at the root of the system drive in Windows Server 2008 using the Windows access control list (ACL) GUI. If I open Windows Explorer, select the security tab, right-click on Local Disc (C:), and select...
IADsAccessControlList 接口的属性方法获取或设置下表中所述的属性。 有关详细信息,请参阅 Interface 属性方法。属性AceCount 访问控制列表中的访问控制条目数。 访问类型:读/写 脚本数据类型: LONG syntax 复制 // C++ method syntax HRESULT get_AceCount( [out] LONG* lnAceCount ); HRESULT put_Ace...