Azure Role-based access control is used to manage access to Azure resources, such as the ability to create new resources or use existing ones. Users in your Microsoft Entra ID are assigned specific roles, which grant access to resources. Azure provides both built-in roles and the ability to...
For instructions on regenerating and rolling keys, see Secure access to data in Azure Cosmos DB. Resource tokens Resource tokens are created when users in a database are set up with access permissions for precise access control on a resource, also known as a permission resource. A permission ...
Azure Data Lake Storage implements an access control model that supports both Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC) and POSIX-like access control lists (ACLs). This article describes access control lists in Data Lake Storage. To learn about how to incorporate Azure RBAC together with ACLs...
Role-based access control (Azure RBAC)Azure RBAC uses role assignments to apply sets of permissions to security principals. A security principal is an object that represents a user, group, service principal, or managed identity that is defined in Microsoft Entra ID. A permission set can give ...
Windows Azure 是實作在 Windows Azure 上,可建構具有服務導向架構(Service-Oriented Architecture)之企業級應用程式的核心服務,讓應用程式開發人員得以利用 Windows Azure 實作出可支援雲端或本地端應用程式顯露出服務的服務匯流排(service bus),並且藉由存取控制功能(access control)來管制應用程式的存取權限。本文將會以...
We are making it easier for customers to “lift and shift” applications to the cloud while maintaining the same security model used on-premises with the general availability of Azure Active Directory Domain Services (Azure AD DS) authentication for Azur
Windows Azure 是實作在 Windows Azure 上,可建構具有服務導向架構(Service-Oriented Architecture)之企業級應用程式的核心服務,讓應用程式開發人員得以利用 Windows Azure 實作出可支援雲端或本地端應用程式顯露出服務的服務匯流排(service bus),並且藉由存取控制功能(access control)來管制應用程式的存取權限。本文將會以...
Azure Cosmos DB is a fully managed NoSQL database service for modern app development. This article covers the SQL API for Azure Cosmos DB. Access to resources in the SQL API is governed by a master key token or a resource token. To access a resource, the selected token is included in ...
首先,我们先配置Windows Azure,先来提供ACS的支持,登录你的Azure,选择Service Bus,Access Control & Caching。 然后选择New创建一个Access Control的Namespace,一个帐号可以建多个,只要你有$就行,接下来会看到这个界面: Namespace很重要,决定了这个网址http://***,用来做帐号登录认证过程...