AccessControlList使用 类指定多个受信人和访问权限,在设置权限时,只需调用一次即可添加。 通过为每个受信人添加访问控制项和访问权限组合来构造访问控制列表。标识AccessControlList 允许或拒绝访问安全对象的受信人。 当进程尝试访问安全对象时,系统会检查该对象的访问控制列表中的访问控制条目,以确定是否向其授予访问权限。
// 创建 aclRouter(config)#ip access-list standard/number/// 写入规则Router(config)#access-list/number/{permit|deny}/source//wildcard mask/// 进入接口Router(config)#inte0/1// 设置进口还是出口应用 aclRouter(config-if)ip access-group/number/{in|out} 扩展访问列表 // 创建 aclRouter(config)#...
An access-list that is developed solely using the source IP address. These access control lists allow or block the entire protocol suite. They don’t differentiate between IP traffic such asUDP, TCP, and HTTPS. They use numbers 1-99 or 1300-1999 so the router can recognize the address as...
(1)创建ACL access - list access-list-number {permit | deny} source 【source-wildcard】 1. access-list 1 deny any :拒绝所有 access-list-number :列表号(1—99) source[source-wildcard]:源IP+子网掩码反码 关键字:host / any (2)删除ACL no access - list access-list-number 1. (3)将ACL...
group of users. The user can also be a role name, such asprogrammerortester. For each of these users, groups or roles, the access privileges are stated in a string ofbitscalled anaccess mask. Generally, the system administrator or the object owner creates the access control list for an ...
Windows系统中的ACL(Access Control List),用来表示用户(组)权限的列表。 在渗透测试中,理解并运用ACL,尤其在后门利用(提权)方面,可供发挥的空间很大。 而站在防御的角度,如果系统被攻破,找到并清除攻击者留下的ACL后门,同样需要对ACL有一定的了解。
Access to information from a DNS server is controlled by an access control list that lists clients that are allowed to obtain IP addresses that match the domain name of a target host.The process includes fielding a client request for a domain name’s the IP address at the DNS server and ...
An Access Control List (ACL) is a packet filter that filters packets based on rules. One or more rules describe the packet matching conditions, such as the source address, destination address, and port number of packets. For packets that match the ACL rules configured on a device, the devic...
CreateAccessControlList - 创建访问控制策略组 创建访问控制策略组。 接口说明 您可以创建多个访问控制策略组,每个策略组可包含多个 IP 地址条目或 IP 地址段条目。访问控制策略组的限制如下: 每个地域单账号最多可创建 50 个访问控制策略组。 单账号每次最多可添加 50 个 IP 地址或 IP 地址段条目。
An access control list (ACL) is a collection of one or more rules that can be used to ensure network security.