有没有办法让Access-Control-Allow-Origin header允许设置multiple cross-domains呢? 如果设置 response.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin","*"); 感觉这个接口太开放了,不太安全。 我想只设置自己指定的若干个域名或者端口可以调用接口。 想下面这样: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://www.domain1.com,...
Control-Allow-Origin:www.domain1.com,www.domain2.com You also need to adjust the multiple values in code like: node.js: Copy app.all('*', function(req, res, next) { if( req.headers.origin == 'https://www.google.com' || req.headers.origin == 'https://www.baidu.com' ){ res...
According toMDN, the HTTP spec doesn't provide a way to respond with multiple domains in theAccess-Control-Allow-Originheader. Instead, the recommended way is to check against theOriginheader and respond with only that origin if it is found to be valid. I am not entirely sure why Akka'sH...
In many cases, a public api is desired with the ability to run commands with public credentials, but the default cors allow-origin is set to '*' which will not allow a request with credentials to be exposed by the browser. Failed to load...
The Microsoft Entra solution to this challenge is a feature called tenant restrictions. With tenant restrictions, organizations can control access to SaaS cloud applications, based on the Microsoft Entra tenant the applications use forsingle sign-on. For example, you might want to allow access to ...
Manage fine-grained access control roles using the REST API. IAM role or user { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "*" }, "Action": "es:ESHttp*", "Resource": "domain-arn/*" }, { "Effect": "Deny", "Principal": { "...
The Microsoft Entra solution to this challenge is a feature called tenant restrictions. With tenant restrictions, organizations can control access to SaaS cloud applications, based on the Microsoft Entra tenant the applications use forsingle sign-on. For example, you might want to allow access to ...
curl -s -D - -H "Origin: http://example.com" -X OPTIONS https://api.example.com/my-endpoint -o /dev/null If you want dive deeper into Nginx access control allow origin and CORS here is excellent post that I already mentioned before – https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web...
The Flash policy file must allow connections to all domains for it to be used by the Silverlight WebClient and HTTP classes in the System.Net namespace. In Silverlight 3 for a connection request using System.Net.Sockets to the site (cross-domain or site of origin), the Silverlight runtime...