However, we combined race and ethnicity (by including Hispanic individuals of all races in a single Hispanic category) when reporting estimates, which is consistent with how the US Census Bureau reports estimates for Hispanic and non-Hispanic individuals of various racial groups.37 Race and ...
Full access to ALL REGIONS: 10,000 views annually and if applicable : 1,000/report, 2,500 records/export Full access by REGION : 3,000 views annually and if applicable : 1,000/report, 2,500 records/export The above limits allow DMM to monitor the overall viewing activity on the site....
Access to the Personnel Records of the First World War database at LAC has been available for free online for nearly two decades via a standalone Personnel Records database. This database incorporated CEF files with Imperial Gratuities, Non-Permanent Active Militia, Rejected CEF Volunteers, and R...
nomisr is for accessing UK official statistics from the Nomis database through R. Nomis contains data from the Census, the Labour Force Survey, DWP benefit statistics and other economic and demographic data, and is maintained on behalf of the Office for National Statistics by the University of ...
nomisr is for accessing UK official statistics from the Nomis database through R. Nomis contains data from the Census, the Labour Force Survey, DWP benefit statistics and other economic and demographic data, and is maintained on behalf of the Office for National Statistics by the University of ...
According to the 2010 census, the school attendance rate of members of the Indigenous groups was 92.4% for basic education and 67.3% at upper secondary level. However, especially at the upper secondary school level, there was a clear difference between males (71.3%) and females (63.3%) in ...
(Administration) Act 1999, Paid Parental Leave Act 2010 and/or the Student Assistance Act 1973. Such data may only used for the purpose of administering the Census and Statistics Act 1905 or performance of functions of the ABS as set out in section 6 of the Australian Bureau of Statistics ...
We obtained information about the location of the 610 election day voting sites in the City of Atlanta from Fulton County (Fulton County, Georgia - GIS, 2021) and US Census records for Dekalb County (US Census Bureau, 2021). We use Nominatim, a tool provided by OpenStreetMap (OSM), to...
Change and the 2020 Census : Not Whether But How Review the 2010 Census ; National Research Council Instant access to free PDF downloads of titles from theCook, Thomas MNorwood, Janet LCork, Daniel L
1. Make court records free to dismantle the barrier to access; 2. Link courtroom data to external data—such as information on judges, litigants and lawyers—to build a collaborative knowledge network; 3. Empower the public by providing access to the information that flows from the analysis of...