Surface Studio, Surface Book, Surface Pro 4, Surface 3, or Surface Pro 3 with a configured boot order in UEFI Step 1: Shut down your Surface. Step 2: Insert the bootable USB drive into the USB port on your Surface. Step 3: Press the power button to turn it on. Step 4: Follow th...
If a new hard drive cannot be detected by the system BIOS, the cause might be that the disk is not enabled. Can I put my old hard drive to a new computer? Yes. you can connect the old hard drive to a new computer using the SATA-to-USB adapter's power cable. Was this page ...
Remote PC Access is supported on Surface Pro devices with Windows 10. Follow the same guidelines for laptops mentioned previously. If using a docking station, you can undock and redock laptops. When you undock the laptop, the VDA reregisters with the Delivery Controllers or Cloud Connectors over...
Way 1: Change PC settings to access UEFI BIOS in Windows 10 Way 2: By Shift and Restart to access UEFI BIOS in Windows 10 Way 1: Change PC settings to access UEFI BIOS in Windows 10 Step 1:Click on theStartbutton or pressWinkey on your keyboard, then click theSettings. Step 2:Sele...
STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION on EdgeHi Everyone,Yesterday (20/09/2023) edge started to frequently crash with a STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION error. Only when using...
Connect the external USB disk drive to your Surface Pro 6. When prompted to enter the BitLocker key, click on "More options". Or you can enter "Esc" key or the Windows key to continue. Click on "Enter recovery key". Enter the BitLocker recovery key that you found on your Microsoft ac...
Enabled Netbios over tcp/ip Enabled in Manage Advanced Share Settings on all profiles: Turn on Network Discovery, Turn on file and printer sharing, Turn on Network Discovery, Use 128-bit encryption to secure file sharing connections (recommended), Password protected sharing (I tried...
I'm using WinDbg to read them, but I can't really tell what's going on there. I'm not over/underclocking any components; drivers are updated; no overlays; Windows and even BIOS updated. I ran Windows Memory Diagnostic and MemTest86 to check for errors. Nothing found. Temperatures ...
Hvis du vil omgå dette problemet, kan du endre standard domenenavn på Unified Access Gateway-lageret til å bruke NetBIOS-navnet på domenet. Følg disse trinnene: Åpne Forefront Unified Access Gateway administrasjon, klikk...
RD Gateway - Unable to connect via IP (Netbios, FQDN work fine) RD Gateway (Server 2016) only works with legacy RPC-HTTP RD Gateway 2016 - IIS required or not ? RD Gateway and RD Web Access - better together or on different servers? RD Gateway behind a 3rd party reverse proxy (like...