and retiring transition bonds. Any right that a utility has in the transition property before the utility's sale or transfer or any other right created under this section or created in the financing order and assignable under this chapter or assignable pursuant to a financing order is only a ...
(during the term of this Lease) to access the Property (seven [7] daysa week, twenty-four [24] hoursa day) and to install, remove, replace, and maintain utility cables, conduits and pipes from the Property to the appropriate, in the discretion of SunComTriton,source ofelectric and...
Several individuals provided valuable assistance: S. Elmallah on load DER capacity estimates, B. Dawson on SCE circuit data, J. Dees on spatial mapping in GIS and J. D. Lara on initial aid with utility circuit data. Additionally, we are grateful to the Energy Modeling, Analysis, and Contro...
necessary access to the mainframe computer and related information technology systems (the “System”) on which CUSTOMER data is processed during the times (the “Service Hours”) specified in the PSAs, subject to reasonable downtime for utility outages, maintenance, performance difficulties and the ...