The search yielded 4083 results, of which 28 papers reporting 28 studies met inclusion criteria. Most related to contraception and cervical or breast cancer screening. Three main themes and ten subthemes relating to SRH care access were identified: interpersonal and patient encounter factors (including...
In addition, RNTuple promises: native support for HPC and cloud object stores, systematic use of check-summing and exceptions to prevent silent I/O errors and inclusion of lossy compression algorithms. Data Storage for HEP Experiments in the Era of High-Performance Computing Processing for future ...
Stage-Dependent Release of Plasmodium Falciparum Homolog of T-Cell Immunomodulatory Protein and Association of Plasma Levels with Suppression of Macrophage-Inflammatory Protein-1 Chemokine Production in Infected Individuals PDF The Aetiology of Ill Health among Urban Slum Communities in Nigeria: A Systematic...
It was designed to efficiently capture most of the haplotype variation observed in a discovery panel consisting of 16M SNPs (generated by sequencing 125 rice genomes at ∼7× genome coverage) and to maximize the inclusion of non-synonymous SNPs (see Supplementary Note 1). An estimated 45% of...
First page preview Click to open first page preview View PDFReferences (0) Cited by (7) Library as place: conceptual model for public libraries and their transition 2023, Journal of Documentation Digital storytelling and participatory local heritage through the creation of an online moving image ...
The negative association between percentage Hispanic and access to any outpatient SUD treatment facility that accepts Medicaid was no longer significant once county-level insurance status was included in the model; additional analyses (not shown) revealed that it was the inclusion of percentage uninsured...
We extend our analysis to address the policy relevant question of whether targeting women for financial inclusion generates benefits beyond those that would obtained by improving financial access for households, without regard to who within the household has access to loans. Building on a large body ...
Traditional security policies lack the inclusion of risk access control policies, despite their importance in BYOD security, as recommended by Bello et al. [1]. Traditional security policies fall short in adequately addressing all privacy requirements due to limitations in policy techniques and defense...
Infrastructure (OCI) and across a wide range of cloud and on-premises applications using a cloud native, identity as a service (IDaaS) platform. Oracle offers a unified cloud identity solution that centers user identity as the security perimeter and helps organizations pursue a zero trust strategy...
Accessibility is crucial for the inclusion of people with disabilities in issues related to sustainability. The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities states that disability is a result of environmental and attitudinal barriers hindering a person’s “full and effective participation in so...