El acceso a la justicia es un principio fundamental del Estado de Derecho. 诉诸司法之权利是法治国家的一项基本原则。 A veces la gente no puede acceder a la justicia. 人们有时不能行使诉诸司法之权利。 El Estado debe garantizar a todas las personas el acceso a la justicia pronta, imparcial,...
even when they have been sentenced for the commission of a crime; In other words, they will explain the right of access to justice that these people have and the context in which they find themselves, since we should not lose sight of the fact that the deprivation ...
1) Programa de acceso a la Justicia 伸张正义方案2) To be a champion of justice 伸张正义 例句>> 3) Let justice Be done. 要伸张正义。4) Justice will assert itself. 正义必将伸张。5) stretching plan 张拉方案 1. This article combines the design of long-distance multi-span prestressed ...
El acceso a la justicia civil en Chile desde el análisis económico del derechodoi:10.21615/cesder.7378CIVIL procedureACCESS to justiceCIVIL lawQUANTITATIVE researchLEGAL procedureREFORMSIt has held that the civil procedure system in Chile presents problems of access to justice. This...
Contratación transnacional y acceso a la justicia: mecanismos de resolución electrónica de disputasADRODRRALRLLmediationarbitrationUNCITRALconsumersCross-border e Commerce tends to grow and, therefore, also inevitably conflicts. Consumers are lacking of an adequate channel for the effectiveness of their ...
El acceso a la informacion publica y la justicia ambiental. Revista de Derecho de la Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso. (34): 571-596 pp. Primer Semestre 2010a.BERMUDEZ SOTO, Jorge. 2010. El acceso a la informacion publica y la justicia ambiental. Revista de Derecho (Valparaiso)...
the expected outcome is the detection of the dominant wishes irrespective of the prejudices that could stem from the biography of the artist in its artistic manifestations and letters.Cesar Augusto Mosqueira HonorSubjetividad Y Procesos Cognitivos...
acceso a la justiciaderechos humanosConstitución mexicanaalternative dispute resolution mechanismsADRalternative justiceaccess to the justiceThe Federal Constitution of the United Mexican States, since the reform of the article 17, in June 2008, introduced to the national legal order alternative dispute ...
Gonzalez, Manuela, G., Galletti, Hilda, G., (2015)." Intersecciones entre Violencia de Genero, Pobreza y Acceso a la Justicia: El Caso de la Ciudad de La Plata." Onati Socio-legal Series [online], 5 (2), 520-546.Gonzalez, Manuela y Galletti, Gabriela (2014): "Intersecciones ...
justicia social.Rare diseasesburden of diseasebeneficencesocial justice.Rare diseases are defined by the reduced frequency in the population, leading to numerous adverse consequences, both at medical and social level. These pathologies, being little known, the diagnose is late or non-existent and ...