This article presents general legal aspects related to the right to access to justice using information and communication technologies (ICT) in Colombia, first describing the main cybernetic advances that have been developed internally on the subject, and then in a second and comple...
El acceso a la justicia arbitral: reflexiones sobre el amparo de pobreza en los procesos arbitrales en Colombiadoi:10.15332/25005286.9963EQUAL rightsDISPUTE resolutionPOOR peopleLEGAL costsJUSTICE administrationACCESS to justiceThis article explores the complex legal and constitutional ...
Las asociaciones de consumidores como titulares de intereses difusos en Italia. Problemas de encuadramiento y acceso a la justiciaGeometry, DifferentialThe activity of m-hydroxybenzyltrimethylammonium, coryneine (3:4-dihydroxyphenethyltrimethylammonium, 'quaternary dopamine'), and m-hydroxyphenylpropyl...
Objective: The purpose of this study is to analyze the normative guidelines and recommendations issued by international organizations that are binding for Colombia and by the Ministry of National Education to address higher education processes and maintain educational quality standard...
Los aportes del proceso monitorio en el acceso ágil a la administración de justicia en Colombiadoi:10.17081/just.28.44.6869LAW officesJUSTICE administrationACCESS to justiceQUALITATIVE researchLAWYERSThe objective of this article is to analyze the contributions of the payment...