UnitNineteenAcceptingandDecliningEtiquette接受与婉谢礼仪 1 FocalPoints 1.Howtorespondtoaninvitationproperly2.Howtodeclineaninvitationproperly3.Howtoacceptordeclineajoboffer 2 Contents 12345 LeadinReadingAReadingBReadingCExercises 3 Warming-up Yes,please./Sure.Thanks HowwouldyouanswerthefoNlloo,wthainnkgyoqu...
You secured a job offer. After crafting a catchy cover letter, optimizing your resume, and acing the interview, the company has decided you're the perfect fit for the job. But now it's your turn to ask: Is this job the perfect fit for me? It's tempting to quickly blurt out “YES!