Acceptance is the key Acceptance has been working me. I’ve been out of commission from a gardening injury since the 3rdof July. It was entirely self inflicted – the not-so-elegant combination of impulsive activity, bad body mechanics, and using the wrong tool for the job. I was flat o...
Onceanacceptancetakeseffect,acontractcomesintoexistence.Thepartiesareboundbythecontract.5.1Acceptance承诺 Anacceptancemustbeunqualified/unconditional,thatistosayitshouldexactlymatchthetermsofanoffer.Itmustbeamirrorimage.Areplytotheoffer,whichvariesthetermsoftheofferoraddsnewconditionstotheoffer,isnotanacceptancebuta...
Is Silence the Answer? Acceptance of Grant AgreementsAlison E. WrightValerie H. Diamond
bacterial control technologies is influenced by a wide range of factors (9), including the perceived benefits and risks associated with the novel technologies, consumers' general attitudes toward food technologies, and their knowledge about or previous interactions with the technologies (7, 9, 42). ...
not is not! It's always a narrow walk between doing it right and getting a pleasant image, or overdoing it. I doubt, however, that you ever get this asset approved, because of the different other flaws with this asset, where the biggest issue is focus or camera shake or ...
Jump to answer Abambo • Community Expert , Mar 21, 2023 I'm sorry for you, but I doubt that Adobe will hurt your acceptance because you upload more assets. It's either that your assets do not meet the requirements or that Adobe is vetting assets in a more critical way. Bo...
Task 1 Choose the best answer Friendship is the sharing of hearts between two souls. It eliminates embarrassment (窘迫, 困难) if I one falls. It gives you strength in sharing different views, it is the courage that one gives to the other when the days are dark, an...
In recent years, many governments and companies have gradually launched robotaxi projects to help make transportation systems smarter, improve travel efficiency, and reduce travel costs. Robotaxi is a new mode of travel that replaces human driving with m
1 Correct answer Abambo • Community Expert , Dec 20, 2023 80% is a good ratio. My acceptance rate for standard assets is near to 100%. It's only when experimenting that I get more rejections than usual, mostly then on the commercial appeal or non-compliant image. A rejection ...
Full size image The average acceptance rate across the full set of LMIC studies is 80.3% (95% confidence interval (CI) 74.9–85.6%), with a median of 78%, range of 30.1 percentage points (pp) and interquartile range of 9.7 pp. Our estimate of the between-study standard deviationτ, us...