investigating the role of psychological flexibility and the use of an acceptance and commitment therapy based intervention in irritable bowel syndrome 热度: The role of psychological flexibility in a self-help acceptance and commitment therapy intervention for psychological distress in a randomized controlled...
ACT is an example of a third wave behavior therapy that saves direct change strategies for overt behaviors and utilizes contextual and experiential methods such as mindfulness and acceptance to address cognitive process that hinder and limit overt behavi
接纳承诺疗法(Acceptance and Commitment Therapy,简称ACT)是由美国著名的心理学家斯蒂文﹒海斯(Steven C﹒ Hayes) 教授创立的“另类”认知行为疗法,与辨证行为疗法、内观认知疗法一起被称为循证心理治疗最新的第三浪潮发展。 ACT以“语境行为科学(Contextual Behavioral Science,CBS)”为哲学背景,“关系框架理论(Relation...
Acceptance and commitment therapy in the …接受和承诺的疗法u2026.pdf,1 Acceptance and commitment therapy in the treatment of chronic pain JoAnne Dahl and Tobias Lundgren University of Uppsala, Sweden Address correspondence to: JoAnne Dahl, Ph.D. Departme
接纳与承诺疗法(Acceptance and Commitment Therapy,简称ACT)是一种形式的认知行为疗法,由史蒂文·C·海斯在20世纪80年代末发展出来。ACT的核心理念是接纳和承认痛苦和困扰是生活的一部分,而非试图消除或控制它们。ACT的目标是帮助个体建立“心理灵活性”。
Free Essay: Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is a relatively new form of therapy derived from a combination of cognitive and behaviour interventions,...
ACT combines acceptance and attention processes with commitment and behavior change processes to create psychological flexibility. The aim of this chapter is to present the six core therapeutic processes or psychological domains of ACT, their respective aspects, and to delve into the hexagon model of ...
接纳承诺疗法(Acceptance and Commitment Therapy,ACT)鼓励人们拥抱自己的念头和感受,而不是为它们而挣扎或羞惭。逃避问题只会让我们离解决之道越来越远。 摆脱问题的最简单方法就是解决它。临床焦虑、抑郁、强迫症、成瘾问题和物质滥用等都可以从ACT和正念认知疗法(Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy,MBCT)中获益。
内容简介· ··· Professionals who work with patients and clients struggling with chronic pain will benefit from this values-based behavior change program for managing the effects of pain. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Chronic Pain addresses case formulation and clinical techniques for working...
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is an empirically based psychological intervention using "mindfulness" and acceptance as strategies that are combined with commitment and behavior -change strategies to increase a client's psychological flexibility. Originally called comprehensive distancing, this theory...