接纳承诺疗法(Acceptance and Commitment Therapy,简称ACT)是由美国著名的心理学家斯蒂文﹒海斯(Steven C﹒ Hayes) 教授创立的“另类”认知行为疗法,与辨证行为疗法、内观认知疗法一起被称为循证心理治疗最新的第三浪潮发展。 ACT以“语境行为科学(Contextual Behavioral Science,CBS)”为哲学背景,“关系框架理论(Relation...
接纳承诺疗法(Acceptance and Commitment Therapy,ACT)鼓励人们拥抱自己的念头和感受,而不是为它们而挣扎或羞惭。逃避问题只会让我们离解决之道越来越远。 摆脱问题的最简单方法就是解决它。临床焦虑、抑郁、强迫症、成瘾问题和物质滥用等都可以从ACT和正念认知疗法(Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy,MBCT)中获益。 AC...
接纳与承诺疗法(Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, ACT)的治疗过程可以概括为以下六个互相交互的核心过程,这些过程共同促成了ACT的主要目标——心理灵活性: 1. 接触当下(Contact with the Present Moment):许多人的心理问题是源于没有活在当下,而是活在了过去或未来,或者是活在了别人的世界里。这一步骤鼓励个体在此...
此外,民族认同与歧视之间存在着正相关关系。 本研究涉及到心理灵活度问卷为VQValuing Questionnaire(VQ) items were generated via the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and rated as representative by ACT authors. 接受和承诺疗法(ACT)是一种跨学科的疗法,基于被称为框架理论的理论模型。这是一种 "第三...
Bach, P. (2013). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Case Formulation. In Morris, Johns, & Oliver (Ed.), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Mindfulness for Psychosis (pp. 64- 73). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.Bach, P. (2013). Acceptance and commitment ther- apy case formulation. In E.M.J...
Open Document Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is a relatively new form of therapy derived from a combination of cognitive and behaviour interventions, which are constructed on empirical evaluation of communication and cognitions (Hayes, 2004). ...
Acceptance And Commitment Therapy (ACT)Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is an empirically based psychological intervention using "mindfulness" and acceptance as strategies that are combined with commitment and behavior -change strategies to increase a client's psychological flexibility. Originally ...
Since the original publication of this seminal work, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) has come into its own as a widely practiced approach to helping people change. This book provides the definitive statement of ACT - from conceptual and empirical foundations to clinical techniques - written...
acceptance and commitment therapyanxiety disordersclinical decision makingcognitive behavioral therapypathological processpsychological inflexibility researchtransdiagnostic treatmentThis chapter examines the degree of empirical support available for the theoretical model, treatment components, and clinical applications of...
The meaning of ACCEPTANCE AND COMMITMENT THERAPY is psychotherapy in which the patient is encouraged to accept negative thoughts and emotions as a part of normal psychological functioning and to commit to action based on the patient's own values and goal