This article discusses the fit between social work and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), a mindfulness-based cognitive behavioral therapy that meets all of these criteria. ACT is based on a philosophy of science, functional contextualism, that focuses on the behavior of individuals within ...
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a form of psychological therapy that may be particularly suitable for this population. However, to the authors' knowledge, no study to date has evaluated ACT for plwMND. Consequently, the primary aim of this uncontrolled feasibility study was to examine...
Psychosis, iFirst article, 1 - 9.Bach P, Gaudiano BA, Hayes SC, Herbert JD. Acceptance and commitment therapy for psychosis: intent to treat, hospitalization outcome and mediation by believeablity. Psychosis. 2013;2:166-174.Bach P,Gaudiano BA,Hayes SC,et al.Acceptance and commitment therapy...
Open Document Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is a relatively new form of therapy derived from a combination of cognitive and behaviour interventions, which are constructed on empirical evaluation of communication and cognitions (Hayes, 2004). ...
接纳承诺疗法(Acceptance and Commitment Therapy,简称ACT)是由美国著名的心理学家斯蒂文﹒海斯(Steven C﹒ Hayes) 教授创立的“另类”认知行为疗法,与辨证行为疗法、内观认知疗法一起被称为循证心理治疗最新的第三浪潮发展。 ACT以“语境行为科学(Contextual Behavioral Science,CBS)”为哲学背景,“关系框架理论(Relation...
Acceptance and commitment therapy is a third-wave behavioral psychotherapy based on relational frame theory (RFT), a comprehensive behavioral account of language and cognition, whose primary treatment goal is to increase psychological flexibility.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is part of the third-wave of CBT interventions. This chapter discusses the theoretical tenets of ACT alongside practical guidelines for counseling and therapy. Techniques central to ACT including the well-known cognitive defusion exercises are reviewed and ...
接纳承诺疗法(Acceptance and Commitment Therapy,ACT)鼓励人们拥抱自己的念头和感受,而不是为它们而挣扎或羞惭。逃避问题只会让我们离解决之道越来越远。 摆脱问题的最简单方法就是解决它。临床焦虑、抑郁、强迫症、成瘾问题和物质滥用等都可以从ACT和正念认知疗法(Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy,MBCT)中获益。
acceptance and commitment therapyanxiety disordersclinical decision makingcognitive behavioral therapypathological processpsychological inflexibility researchtransdiagnostic treatmentThis chapter examines the degree of empirical support available for the theoretical model, treatment components, and clinical applications of...
The depression scores in the intervention group were lower than those in the control group, and the difference was not statistically significant (OR=4.055, 95% CI: 0.308-53.366, P=0.287). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy can effectively enhance the psychological flexibility increase the level of ...