错误信息“could not accept ssl connection: socket operation on non-socket”表明,在尝试建立一个SSL连接时,程序试图在一个非套接字对象上执行套接字操作。这通常意味着代码中某个变量或对象被错误地赋值或初始化了,导致它不再是一个有效的套接字对象。 3. 检查代码 由于我无法直接看到你的代码,我将提供一个...
1. `EBADF`(Bad file descriptor):`socketfd`参数无效,可能是因为该文件描述符未打开或已关闭。2. `EINVAL`(Invalid argument):`socketfd`参数无效,可能是因为该文件描述符不是一个有效的套接字。3. `ENOTSOCK`(Socket operation on non-socket):`socketfd`参数无效,可能是因为该文件描述符不是一个套接字。
Whoops. I might add that, if instead of closing the '0'ed socket, I let it try to recieve a message, I get the "Socket operation on non Socket" error, which I suppose means 0 is reserved for something else. Upvote 0 Downvote Sep 25, 2006 #3 rburke Programmer Apr 28, 2002 ...
Error with socket operation on non-socket Dear Experts, i am compiling my code in suse 4.1 which is compiling fine, but at runtime it is showing me for socket programming error no 88 as i searched in errno.h it is telling me socket operation on non socket, what is the meaning of ...
bind socket error:Socket operation on non-socket(errno:88)出错处理 2011-09-19 14:54 − 在send()发送数据的时候出现下面这个错误send() error.: Socket operation on non-socket已导致不能发送错误,虽然这个错误时出现在send()调用,但是其错误源头在accept()调用,我调试时,打印了accept()返回值居然是0...
Socket.Tasks.cs Accepts an incoming connection. C# publicSystem.Threading.Tasks.Task<System.Net.Sockets.Socket> AcceptAsync (); Returns Task<Socket> An asynchronous task that completes with the accepted Socket. Exceptions InvalidOperationException ...
If you want to have multiple clients on a server you will have to use non blocking.<?php$clients = array();$socket = socket_create(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,SOL_TCP);socket_bind($socket,'',$port);socket_listen($socket);socket_set_nonblock($socket);while(true){ if(($newc = so...
Linuxaccept() (andaccept4()) passes already-pending network errors on the new socket as an error code fromaccept(). This behavior differs from other BSD socket implementations. For reliable operation the application should detect the network errors defined for the protocol afteraccept() and treat...
理解accept的关键点是,它会创建一个新的Socket,这个新的Socket来与对端运行connect()的对等Socket进行连接,如下图所示: 接下来,我们就进入Linux内核源码栈吧 accept...为了解决这一问题,Linux提供了so_reuseport这个参数,其原理如下图所示: 多个fd监听同一个端口号,在内核中做负载均衡(Sharding),将accept的任务...
A system error has occurred and closed the socket. SOCTIMEDOUT The operation timed out. The socket is still available.zeProgramming considerations The accept function creates a new socket descriptor with the same properties as s and returns it to the caller. Do not use the new socket to accep...