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小弟投递一篇文章(关于鲸鱼算法优化的),系统显示的是Accept,Accept for final submission,非常高兴,...
点评内容:2024-01-07 submit2024-02-05 reject (revise and resubmit)【两个大修,十六条意见】2024-02-21 resubmit2024-03-13 reject (revise and resubmit) 【小修】2024-03-14 resubmit2024-04-09 accept for final submission在投递期间,接受到大家的反馈,很幸运录用,分享一些信息给大家,人生的第一篇sc...
including the year for which the funding schedule foreseesthesubmissionofthe next tranche or, in case of the final tranche, [...] multilateralfund.org multilateralfund.org [...] 定的大部分执行行动,并且之前已核准付款可提供的资金发放率超过 20%; 以及 (d) 国家按照附录 4-A 规定的形式提交了涵...
译文示例:It comprehends various possibilities, ranging from an initial refusal to cooperate in the procedure, for example by non-appearance, through non-compliance with a provisional measures order, whether or not it is formally binding, through to refusal to accept the final decision of the court...
I am willing with own all to trade your life happiness to be joyful, for your me how all can, I hope your this time do not have impulse, considers in order to I am good, solves me to believe well can be better, I real worry you![translate] ...
a publication will provide clear guidance regarding when it’s acceptable to ask about the status of your submission. For example, a publication might say not to query about your status until at least 30 days after you submit. Other publications might say not to query them ever. I’ve even...
individuallyacceptfullresponsibility for the accuracy of the information containedinthiscircular and confirm, having made [...] equitynet.com.hk equitynet.com.hk 董事共同及個別對本通函所載資料的準確性承擔全部責任,並在作出一切合理查詢後確認,就彼等所知及 所信,本通函所載意見乃經審慎週詳考慮後始行...
aTo provide sufficient handling area for the volume of Containers to be discharged or loaded, including storage of empty Containers. 为容器的容量提供充足的处理的区域将被释放或被装载,包括空的容器存贮。[translate] athe traditional final resting palce for a discarded computer is anywhere it will not ...
[$] (71.1K) – As of Jan 2020, all Copyhackers posts are peer reviewed. Peer reviews are the final step in the submission process; until your post has had the sign-off of an objective third party, selected by the Copyhackers editorial team, it is not officially accepted for publication...