Have you tried Google Doc’s suggestion capability? While it’s great for collaboration, unfortunately they forgot to add an “Accept All” button! I wrote a bookmark script that allows you to accept all suggestions at once in Google Chrome. To use this script do the following:...
executeonallsuggestionscommand ExecuteOnAllSuggestionsCommand executeonselectedsuggestionscommand ExecuteOnSelectedSuggestionsCommand previewfinalcontentcommand PreviewFinalContentCommand trackchangescommand TrackChangesCommand ui view basesuggestionthreadview BaseSuggestionThreadView Sugg...
Launch app in code via await device.launchApp({ permissions: { location: 'always', notifications: 'YES' } }) Go through login flow until app asks for location via react-native-permissions Permissions.request('location', { type: 'always' }) (with prior check to see if location permission ...