Diversity & networking groups We’re incredibly diverse culturally, academically and geographically, and this is one of our greatest strengths. Communities Whichever part of the business you join, you’ll immediately be part of at least one Accenture community. We’re having fun! We have a...
Because we truly believe that these differences drive innovation, leading toreinventionfor our company, clients and partners. And because it’s the right thing to do. We arecommitted to helping all our people thrive, which includes advancing inclusion and diversity for women; people of different r...
The Accenture platform, which runs on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud, includes a ‘Family and Carer’ portal that lets family and caregivers check on the individual’s daily activities, such as whether they have taken their medication or made new request...
Discovery portal If you are suitable for the role, you’ll be invited to our Discovery Portal. This is an interactive experience and takes about an hour, but there’s no time limit. You’ll receive feedback within a few days. Assessment centre If you’re successful at the Discovery Portal...
For the past five years, the agency has been ranked number one on the Office of Personnel Management’s “Inclusion Index”; NASA is also one of the top federal agencies to offer “support for diversity”, according to the Partnership for Public Service, a nonprofit organization that works ...