USA More than 482,000 Accenture employees work in 120 countries. Global leaders, among them more than ¾ of the 500 largest companies in the world (by Fortune Global 500 rating), work with Accenture in more than 40 industries. Opening of permanent office in Kazakhstan...
USA (English) About Accenture Empowering our people to speak up Misconduct has no place at Accenture, and we empower our people to speak up safely and confidently.Our people can speak up with confidence We encourage our people to speak up if they experience, see or become aware of any ...
万豪国际集团与埃森哲合作创建的全球人力资源中心,为员工提供高品质卓越体验。 了解更多 研究报告 构建数字核心,推进全面重塑:通过变革加速增长 要捕捉生成式人工智能(或下一种颠覆性技术)的价值,企业需要打造“重塑就绪”的数字核心。以下是实现这一理想目标所需采取的三项行动。 了解更多 客户案例 生成式人工智...
Lippmann et al., “Validating and restoring defense in depth using attack graphs,” Proceedings of the Military Communications Conference, Washington, DC, USA, Oct. 23-25, 2006, 10 pages. Lu et al., “Ranking attack graphs with graph neural networks,” Proceedings of the 5th International ...
Zheng, Q, et al., “Fair and Dynamic Proofs of Retrievability,” In Proceedings of the first ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy, CODASPY, 2011, New York, NY, USA. ACM, pp. 237-248. Puddu, Ivan, et al., “μchain: How to Forget without Hard Forks,” http...