Accenture Life Trends 2025 Five trends exploring people's lens on the world today. As disruptive breakthroughs evolve digital experiences, people naturally adjust their relationship with technology, affecting the businesses trying to reach them.
万豪国际集团与埃森哲合作创建的全球人力资源中心,为员工提供高品质卓越体验。 了解更多 研究报告 构建数字核心,推进全面重塑:通过变革加速增长 若要精准捕捉生成式AI等颠覆性技术的前沿价值,企业需要遵循三大原则,构建重塑就绪型数字核心。 了解更多 客户案例
In the last 30 years, no technology has promised to change everything across a business—until generative AI. Today, AI is the number one driver of business reinvention. And data readiness is one of the most important factors for AI success. ...