万豪国际集团与埃森哲合作创建的全球人力资源中心,为员工提供高品质卓越体验。 了解更多 研究报告 构建数字核心,推进全面重塑:通过变革加速增长 若要精准捕捉生成式AI等颠覆性技术的前沿价值,企业需要遵循三大原则,构建重塑就绪型数字核心。 了解更多 客户案例 生成式人工智能重塑汽车行业:宝马 宝马与埃森哲共同打...
Very stressful. OT everyday just to finish email and salary doesn't match with the work load. just survive there and try to look for a better place to work with. 优点 movie ticket monthly 缺点 time tracker wherever you go from 9 to 6 ...
Dear Guy that sent an email to the entire Deals practice about your impressive CPE. We know you’re an idiot, no need to write the entire practice back to confirm. Regrettably, A concerned citizen 9reactions Like 9Comments Share 7Y
On the other hand, it can be just as easy to keep checking your email around the clock because your home has, in many ways, become your office. My advice is to segment your time into “work” periods and “personal” periods. It’s extremely important to maintain a healthy balance ...
7:00 p.m.: I arrive home (having waited an additional 30 minutes) and receive a customer survey in my email that asks on a scale of 1 to 10, “How likely are you to recommend us to a friend?” Well, here it is: Online experience: 5 stars In-person experience: 1 star Product ...