万豪国际集团与埃森哲合作创建的全球人力资源中心,为员工提供高品质卓越体验。 了解更多 研究报告 构建数字核心,推进全面重塑:通过变革加速增长 要捕捉生成式人工智能(或下一种颠覆性技术)的价值,企业需要打造“重塑就绪”的数字核心。以下是实现这一理想目标所需采取的三项行动。 了解更多 客户案例 生成式人工智...
Last Name: * Phone: * Work Email: * Company: * Select Your Job Level... * Select Your Job Function... * Select Your Country... Contact us In submitting this form, you agree to receive information from Cloudflare related to our products, events, and special offers. You can unsubsc...
of our clients and other companies with which we have an existing business relationship. We may also obtain contact information from public sources, including content made public at social media websites, to make an initial contact with a relevant individual at a client or other company.Do...
Company Name: Accenture Plc Coupa Partner Since: 2012 Coupa-skilled resources: 650+ Countries Supported: 80+ Website/Preferred Link: https://www.accenture.com/us-en/services/supply-chain-operations/coupa Solutions built by Accenture: Third-Party Supplier Management Connector Remittance Information ...
employees of our clients and other companies with which we have an existing business relationship. We may also obtain contact information from public sources, including content made public at social media websites, to make an initial contact with a relevant individual at a client or other company...
Accenture + CoupaCompany Name: Accenture Plc Coupa Partner Since: 2012 Coupa-skilled resources: 650+ Countries Supported: 80+ Website/Preferred Link: https://www.accenture.com/us-en/services/supply-chain-operations/coupa Solutions built by Accenture: Third-Party Supplier Management Connector Remittance...
of our clients and other companies with which we have an existing business relationship. We may also obtain contact information from public sources, including content made public at social media websites, to make an initial contact with a relevant individual at a client or other company. ...
Streamlined operations and a new self-serve platform have helped the company reach over $1 billion in ad sales in just 2.5 years. Expand Case Study Vodafone pioneers commercialized shared services operations How the telecom leader is powering its digital transformation with data, AI and new wa...
Accenture started in 1989 as the business and technology consulting company Andersen Consulting, changing its name in 2001. Since then it has become a renowned Fortune 500 company, providing services such as business strategy, security, technology innovation, sustainability, and mergers across a range...
Full-time employees in Canada5,001 to 10,000 Parent companyAccenture plc Parent company head officeDublin, Ireland Major Canadian locationsSt Catharines ON, Fredericton NB, Edmonton AB, Vancouver BC, Calgary AB, Toronto ON, Montréal QC, Ottawa ON ...