Com o C-Suite no Liquid Studio proporcionamos experiências de imersão em novas tecnologias, modelos de negócio disruptivos e suas diferentes aplicabilidades. Leia mais.
"Accenture" 的第一个音节 "Ac" 读作 /æk/,发音类似于 "ack" 的 "a" 音,强调发音时注意将 "c" 的发音清晰地表现出来;"centure" 部分读作 /ˈsɛntʃər/,其中 "en" 的发音类似于 "un","tu" 发音为 /tʃu:/,强调时需要将 "t" 和 "u"...
Operations You love using advanced machine intelligence, data and insights to make decision-making easier and reimagine how people work to enhance business performance. Explore operations Meet Dheeraj Living his childhood dream: Building great things ...
This is a modal window. No compatible source was found for this media. Series A conversation with Julie Sweet March 16, 2020 06:19 AM GMT+8 - Updated April 15, 2021 06:11 AM GMT+8 The Accenture CEO sits down with Fortune Editor-in-Chief Clifton Leaf to talk about company growth, ...
c +关注七联_日本就职 23-09-6 22:20 发布于 日本 来自 微博 【AccentureGCP项目2022/23届补招,七联帮你内推日本海外岗】■募集要项・项目名称:・Global Career Program 【日本海外岗位】■招聘要求:① IT或理工科背景,需具备日语沟通能力,日语流利优先...
Accenture shows how we can more effectively help our clients serve the ever-evolving needs of their customers as a single united collective. Read more.
directeur de la technologie chez Avanade. « C’est une plateforme extrêmement puissante qui permet à la fois de l’utiliser tout de suite et de s’en servir comme point de départ pour dégager encore plus de valeur. Nous n’en sommes encore qu’aux débuts et je suis très heureux...
因为当时 Accenture 上海的电信与高科技组临时需要一个叫 PMO 的职位,Project Manager Officer 的主要指责是 Team Logistics,包 括安排 team member 的行程,会议,做会议笔录,买机票什么的。 但是 PMO 除了这些工作之外还需要和 analyst 一样的工作。我只面了 一次,只有四个 candidates。一个是技术背景的,以前连 ...
Helping clients pressure test defenses, understand emerging threats and prepare and respond quickly to attacks. Learn more.
Global consulting firm Accenture has acquired CS Technology to boost its cloud infrastructure engineering capabilities, including cloud planning, critical facilities design and data centre technologies.