Kids Definition accentuate verb ac·cen·tu·ateik-ˈsen-chə-ˌwāt ak- accentuated;accentuating accentuation ik-ˌsen-chə-ˈwā-shən (ˌ)ak- noun More from Merriam-Webster onaccentuate Nglish:Translation ofaccentuatefor Spanish Speakers ...
Accentuate definition: . See examples of ACCENTUATE used in a sentence.
Define accentuate. accentuate synonyms, accentuate pronunciation, accentuate translation, English dictionary definition of accentuate. tr.v. ac·cen·tu·at·ed , ac·cen·tu·at·ing , ac·cen·tu·ates 1. To stress or emphasize; intensify: "land-reform
Kids Definition accentuate verb ac·cen·tu·ate ik-ˈsen-chə-ˌwāt ak- accentuated; accentuating 1 : to pronounce or mark with an accent 2 : emphasize the blue shirt accentuates your eyes accentuation ik-ˌsen-chə-ˈwā-shən (ˌ)ak- noun More...
Accentuate definition: . See examples of ACCENTUATE used in a sentence.
Define accentuated. accentuated synonyms, accentuated pronunciation, accentuated translation, English dictionary definition of accentuated. tr.v. ac·cen·tu·at·ed , ac·cen·tu·at·ing , ac·cen·tu·ates 1. To stress or emphasize; intensify: "land-r
Definition of accentuate verb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.
accentuate meaning, definition, what is accentuate: to make something more noticeable: Learn more.
Kids Definition accentuate verb ac·cen·tu·ateik-ˈsen-chə-ˌwāt ak- accentuated;accentuating 1 :to pronounce or mark with an accent 2 :emphasize the blue shirtaccentuatesyour eyes accentuation ik-ˌsen-chə-ˈwā-shən ...
Accentuate Definition Tomarkwith anaccent. from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition Topronouncewith astressoraccent. from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition Tostressoremphasize;intensify: "enactedsweepingland-reformplansthataccentuatedthe al...