it will hangs when accelerator.save_state using DeepSpeed with multi-gpus in one node. The question is that if the save_state should be under the main_process (is_main_process)? I have seen the save the model only for the main process when using the distributed training mode in pytorch....
这里主要是说明一下最近在save/load model时遇到的问题 1. 保存什么 正常的torch代码,就直接, path) 或者, path) 就行了。但是如果用多卡(单机多机都一样)跑的时候,不能直接这么保存。因为使用多卡,会对模型再进行一层的封装,也就是Module。如下图(引自解决...
“As a leader, mother and business psychologist, I am passionately curious about what drives change – in people, between people, in organizations and in cultures. How do we create future fit companies, where people are being respected for who they are, appreciated for what they bring ...
when I, path), the model will be saved twice (because I used two gpus) In the PyTorch DDP example, they save the model only when the rank is 0, which avoid saving the model multiple times. How can I do that with accelerate?
territorial - belonging to the territory of any state or ruler; "territorial rights" Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. regional adjective local, district, provincial, parochial, sectional, zonal concern about regional security Collins Th...
For example, by saving the processor state, once the data corresponding to the VM is loaded into a destination host, the processor can be initialized to the saved state in order to resume the VM. In addition to saving the processor state, the embodiments herein save the state of the ...
{ "enabled": true, "storageUri": "" } }, "provisioningState": "Succeeded" }, "type": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines", "location": "westeurope", "id": "/subscriptions/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/resourceGroups/mylittlesap/...
The local host must have sufficient local storage space to host most of your Project’s files, preferably on a solid-state drive separate from the drive that hosts your operating system. The local host must be attached to the same network as your team, or locally routable with appropriate fi...
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