Reading ERIC Digest MathisThe Accelerated ReaderDeveloped by Renaissance Learning, the Accelerated Reader (AR) program has become widely used in schools as a literacy tool for encouraging students to read more and increasing their reading comprehension. AR consists of three fundamental components: First...
The data does not conclude that there is a direct positive correlation saying that the more books read and the more AR tests taken the higher the score on the reading DSTP. However the achievement gap between general education and special education students did narrow from a 50 to an 18 ...
The study found a moderate correlation ( = 0.52) between the average percent correct on AR tests and DIBELS oral fluency, while all other areas of the STAR Early Literacy Test had a moderate relationship (= 0.60) with the AR test average. The surprise in this study was that students in ...
AR reading level of 5.2: This score is equivalent to what an on-level reader in the second month of fifth grade would be able to independently read. As students progress, they will be placed in a more advanced AR reading level with more challenging books and tests. If they are not ...
The views or reports on the Reports page allow you to get more information about your students' independent and assigned reading, their Star tests, and their work in Accelerated Reader 360 and other programs. The Track Student Work Dashboard allows you toscore students' assignmentsandview results...
If your students have taken Star Reading tests, you will see a bar like the one below, showing the range of your students' scores (with the lowest and highest scores marked) and the benchmark categories and cut scores that fall between those scores. The median Scaled Score will be marked...
The purpose of this study was to determine if a difference existed between TCAP scores of students who used the Accelerated Reader (AR) program and students who used Sustained Silent Reading strategy (SSR) as measured by the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP). The variables of ...
This chart also allows you to see at a glance which students need to concentrate on reading AR books. Included is an AR Punch Card to use for even more motivation. I like to give a punch for each 100% achieved on tests. When they fill a card, they get a small reward or treat. ...
Reading the paper/preprint in aorsf-bench was helpful, but I think some rough guidance regarding pros/cons in the documentation would be beneficial for users, if one can even be provided. Choosing interpretability methods is of course not trivial, and I don't expect the author to provide a...
However, currently, there are no affordable and informative tests for assessing the effects of smoking on the rate of biological aging. In this study we demonstrate for the first time that smoking status can be predicted using blood biochemistry and cell count results andthe recent advances in ...