Searching for books with a corresponding Renaissance Accelerated Reader 360® quiz is easy with Accelerated Reader Bookfinder®. Students, teachers, parents, and librarians can search in English or Spanish using criteria such as ATOS book level or a Lexile™ measure, interest level, title, ...
Accelerated Reader Quiz常见问题详解 问:什么是Accelerated Reader?答:AR是一款计算机程序,用来帮助教师管理监督孩子的独立阅读练习进度。孩子可以选择在其ZPD范围之内的实物书籍,或在我们推荐的myON电子图书馆进行阅读。读完一本书后,孩子在计算机上做一套简短的阅读理解小测验,如果能够通过小测验,可以说明孩子看懂...
When restrictions have been applied, students who log in from home will not see Accelerated Reader on their Renaissance Home page, so they cannot take quizzes.Note:Restrictions don't prevent student access toRenaissance Home Connect, where students can view their progress toward goals and the qui...
我想我可以代表整个内容设计团队说我们的目标是帮助学生获得积极的阅读体验,并在他们期待下一次精彩阅读时建立一种兴奋感。 从认可学生的成就到帮助学生发现新的兴趣,Accelerated Reader创造了一种阅读文化,教育工作者帮助学生学会热爱阅读! 英文原文链接:Writing new book quizzes for Accelerated Reader (
Changing the quiz numbers for a different languages or being more obvious for kids Likelihood to Recommend Renaissance Accelerated Reader is well suited for classrooms and schools that want their students to increase their reading and comprehension. This program does a good job to keep track of stud...
Accelerated Reader(AR quiz)英语阅读软件是英语阅读训练软件。AR quiz根据多年的悉心研究而设计,有超过210,000个跟书籍匹配的测试可供选择,帮助教师引导学生进入书籍阅读。
Accelerated Reader motivates students to read more through engaging quizzes, goal setting, and personalized recommendations. As students increase their reading volume, they develop greater reading stamina, word recognition, and language comprehension skills. Guide Personalized goals help students stay focused...
Accelerated Reader系统“学生端”的英文版视频教程,How to complete an AR quiz? 是在优酷播出的教育高清视频,于2024-01-30 10:12:13上线。视频内容简介:Accelerated Reader系统“学生端”的英文版视频教程,How to complete an AR quiz?
Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice Quiz No. Title Author Book Level Points46623 EN Hello, Doctor Marx, David F. 0.2 0.5 46456 EN Come Here, Tiger! Moran, Alex 0.3 0.5 901483 EN Sleepy Pig (SF Edition) Lott, Linda 0.3 0.5 31602 EN Ball Game, The Packard, David 0.4 0.5 ...