Accelerated benefit riders allow policyholders to access death benefits in their life insurance policy while they are alive, under certain conditions.
Define accelerated. accelerated synonyms, accelerated pronunciation, accelerated translation, English dictionary definition of accelerated. v. ac·cel·er·at·ed , ac·cel·er·at·ing , ac·cel·er·ates v. tr. 1. a. To increase the speed of: accelerat
It’s seen strictly as a death benefit. But there are certain life insurance riders that can be added to a policy that will provide living benefits. One of them is an accelerated death benefit rider. It’s a provision added to a policy that will give you access to at least some of ...
ADT (redirected fromAccelerated Degradation Testing) AcronymDefinition ADTAndrogen Deprivation Therapy(cancer treatment) ADTAdult(airline passenger type) ADTAbstract Data Type(OOP class) ADTArchitectural Desktop(Autodesk) ADTAndroid Development Tools(software) ...
Potential Drawbacks of an Accelerated Death Benefit Conclusion Introduction Life insurance is a crucial financial tool that provides protection and financial security for your loved ones in the event of your passing. However, what if circumstances arise where you need to access some of ...