Performance Management (PM) Technical articles and topic explainers A library of articles and videos to help you improve your understanding of areas you find more difficult or develop a broader insight into the subject. Management information systems and data analytics (A) Speci...
Performance Management (PM) Technical articles and topic explainers A library of articles and videos to help you improve your understanding of areas you find more difficult or develop a broader insight into the subject. Management information systems and data analytics (A) Spe...
点击“Find out more”进入自测,这里包含两块内容: Self-check quizzes(自测题)- 针对PM/FR/AA/FM/SBL/SBR/AFM/APM/ATX/AAA 帮你回顾大纲的核心知识点,完成后,可以帮助你了解自身有哪些知识点缺口,并根据你的分数提供一些个性化的建议。 Knowledge recap modules(知识回顾模块)-仅针对AFM-AAA 4门科目 这里包...
三、ACCA考官文章(Technical Articles) TechnicalArticles是ACCA考试小组(包括考官和技术专家等)出品,对于大纲中的重点,难点,新增点,学生的薄弱点,教材中阐述不够深入的点以及实务中非常重要的点,专门编写的,其重要性可想而知。 所以在线的TechnicalArticles对学习相关知识点准备考试都有很大的参考价值,要全面学习。 四...
2、考官文章:TechnicalArticles是ACCA考试小组出品,针对大纲重点、难点、新增点、学生薄弱点、教材补充点及实务重点专门编写。 3、考试大纲:每门课详细知识点。 4、考官报告:需关注考官明确指出的考生薄弱项、后续考试侧重、后续考法的变化。 全新ACCA备考资料+考纲解析 ...
Learning Channels Select New BT FA MA LW TX FR PM FM AA EPSM SBL SBR AFM APM ATX AAA ACCA Recent Posts Trending Posts Technical Articles 0 Votes To read this question you need to login... #SBL #TECHNICAL QUERY May 22nd 2021 AN ACCA USER Retagged May 22th 2021 Login to read ...
Key Articles: How to pass ACCA Paper PM exam The ACCA Performance Management paper – follows on from Paper MA and is concerned with managing the business so as to achieve better performance. Most of the topics were introduced in Paper MA, but are examined in more detail and to a greater...
I’ve worked very hard, I’ve practiced all the specimen papers, read up all the technical articles and just really really down after the exam because I don’t think the preparation was any adequate for the questions I got. I passed the ACCA mock paper and it resembled more like the ...
Technical updates: Keep up to date with all the latest developments in regulation and compliance. Search and save: Use the search function to find articles on particular topics. You can also save any articles you’d like to revisit, and share with colleagues those of particular interest. ...