Annual subscription 2019 £105 An annual subscription fee is due each year to keep your student status active. 据官方发布的信息来看,acca学员在备考acca的过程中需要交纳79英镑的年费,而acca准会员和会员则需要交纳105英镑来维持acca资格的有效性。 不过,需要注意的是,我们一定要按时交纳年费,否则将有可能被...
Annual subscription fee As an ACCA student, you need to pay anannual subscription feeeach year. You do not need to pay this fee when you re-register, unless it is outstanding for a previous year. However, the date that you re-register will affect the date on which you need to pay you...
annual student subscription fees annual affiliate subscription fees membership admission fee* As an added bonus, Scholarship winners with get a set of learning materials from ACCA's Content Partners for each ACCA paper they are studying. *This does not include the annual membership subscription fee...
aACCA would invoice the Annual Subscription fee in January of each year for students who are registered prior to that date. For students registering after that point the Annual Subscription still applies but is invoiced later in the year. ACCA将开发票每年订购费于1月每年为在那个日期之前登记的学生...
Initial registration/Re-registration fee (A one-time fee that students must pay when registering with ACCA.)£89 Annual subscription (An annual subscription fee is due each year to keep your student status active)£116 ACCA Qualification Exam fees ...
1:进入ACCA官网,在My ACCA里登陆个人账户,在左边找到Fees,Payment and Receipts,点击进入。
ACCA学员学员 FIA 注册注册流程解析流程解析 ACCA Students Registration Demonstration 2011 12 Emily KANG Student Service Officer Working Hours 9 30 17 30 Tel 028 87352666 610 emily kang ACCA的英国官方网站的英国官方网站 注册为注册为ACCA学员的方式学员的方式 英文官网注册英文官网注册 扫描上传相关证明材料扫描...
ACCA学员(FIA) 注册流程解析 ACCA Students Registration Demonstration 2011.12 Emily KANG Student Service Officer Working Hours (9:30-17:30) Tel :(028)610 emily.kang@ ACCA 的英国官方网站 注册为ACCA学员的方式 • 英文官网注册+扫描上传相关证明材料 Recommended!!! ACCA 注册报名条件 报名参加ACCA考试,要...
The only compulsory costs are those payable to the ACCA. They charge a registration fee, an annual subscription while you are a student, and an exam fee each time you take an examination. You can find the current costs on the ACCA website ( ...
applicable ees will be charged at the current rate. I understand that, i admitted as a member, I must pay an annual subscription ee to the Association, due on 1 January each year unless otherwise directed by Council. I understand that once I have re-registered, I could be liable to disc...