This article explains a complex area of the SBR syllabus, the asset ceiling test in IAS 19 Employee Benefits, and explains how many IFRS® Accounting Standards and principles might be relevant to an accounting issue for which there is no existing IFRS Accounting Standard (in...
The Advanced Audit and Assurance exam is designed to reflect the challenges auditors will face in their professional life. Note that the level of accounting knowledge for AAA is aligned to the SBR syllabus. Students are encouraged to sit and pass SBR before attempting AAA. ...
Create your free Astranti account and access a full SCS SBR Mock Exam, with detailed solutions and debrief video.
建议:认真做完每一份past year Q(但因为每年的tax rules都会有点小变动,你需要很了解你的syllabus是怎样的,不要盲目跟着past year答案哦) 详细的小攻略也有在我的笔记里,大家可以去找找。 SBL:最新攻略,敬请期待 🌟 SBL的详细攻略在我的最新笔记里,这篇字数满了,下次继续分享。 希望这些小建议能帮到大家,祝...
二是ACCA syllabus会改变,有效性会大大降低; 三是太厚了太厚了,上几千页,如果你对A考知识体系不够了解,教材拿来只有垫泡面的份。 我当时的资料是在一个无偿直播课上领的,老师给我分享了ACCA全套备考资料,涵盖95%的考点、重难点!限时免费领取。备考冲刺2023ACCA小白必备!我把当时领取链接放这里了,大家可以直接...
个人预计sectionB会根据以前的大准则题进行改编,比如:flight line,Telepath,Shawler等都是曾经比较经典题目。SectionA,B题目会覆盖整个syllabus,出镜可能比较高: ■environmental provision满足capitalizedas PPE/intangible,求期末相关总expense(即depreciation+interest expense); ...
Pass rates for the Strategic Business Reporting(SBR)exam were the highest so far in this latest exam sitting since the new syllabus commenced in September 2018.Notably the Advanced Audit and Assurance(AAA)had improved results in this latest exam session.9月考季SBR科目全球通过率达到了有史以来的最...
TechnicalArticles是acca考试小组(包括考官和技术专家等)出品,针对大纲重点,难点,新增点,学生薄弱点,教材补充点及实务重点,专门编写,其重要程度可想而知。 c、acca考试大纲(Syllabus and Study Guide) 每门课详细知识点。 d、acca考官报告(Examiner’s Report) ...
Strategic Business Reporting (SBR) (INT/UK) Advanced Financial Management (AFM) Advanced Performance Management (APM) Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA) (INT/UK) Ask ACCA AI Tutor 24/7 Availability & Comprehensive Knowledge Base tailored to the ACCA Syllabus ...
并且ACCA的教材是根据Syllabus编写的,所以大家一定不能忽视了Syllabus。 不管是什么考试,万变不离其宗,教材才是所有知识点的集合处。但是ACCA的教材有三个版本,分别是BPP、KAPLAN和Becker Professional。建议大家用BPP,因为BPP相比起其他两个版本来说要更细致。 2、强化阶段 刷题我建议大家使用Exam Kit,并且一定要用...