Syllabus and study guide 这是让你理解考试的目标和考核的范围,学习的目的,考试的结构 Specimen exam for SBL 有两套官方样卷供同学们系统感受SBL的考试风格 Examining team’s guidance 这些资源蚌湖同学们着重来聚焦到考试的构成,提问方式,考试技术,小窍门,或者需要避免的一些情况。 Professional skills and effective...
1、打开acca全球官网,进入Students→Study support resources寻找学习ACCA相关资源; 2、选择证书类型——ACCA Qualification; 3、在新出现的下方界面里选择相应科目,点击科目右侧红箭头。以F6(UK)的考试资源为例,点击Taxation(TX); 4、选择科目后,能看到ACCA官网提供的一切资源。如:机考指导文件和视频,科目大纲和学习方...
SBL:September 2021to June 2022 Table 1 This table shows learning outcomes that have been added or deleted from the detailed study guide. Note that some deletions are to remove duplications or the concept has been added in another learning outcome. Table 2 This table shows the existing learning ...
1.Syllabus and study guide(考纲):是ACCA小伙伴们的复习必备,里面会详述相应科目的考试范围 2.Guid...
2018年就把P1和P3取消了,改为一个新科目SBL,P2改为一个新科目SBR。那么对应的教材练习册都会发生相应的变化。 二、ACCA最新考纲哪里找 在ACCA官网点击student导航按钮,在下拉菜单中点击ACCA qualification,进入后,选择不同科目,有不同的资料可以下载,包括历年考题,考官文章,考官报告等。
Back to Strategic Business Leader (SBL) Syllabus Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email Copy SyllabusThe syllabus and study guide is designed to help with planning study and to provide detailed information on what could be assessed in any examination session. If you have previously prepared for your ...
一、ACCA复习资料 ACCA的备考资料的可以在ACCA官网、ACCA论坛、高顿之中查询到,具体如下: 1、ACCA官网 在ACCA官网中考生们使用的比较多的资料有Syllabus and study guide(考纲)、Guidance from the examing team(考官报告)、Specimen exams(样卷)、Past exam papers(真题)、Technical Articles(考官文章),还有在线模拟...
, principles, and values, while Tucker’s model allows for discussion and debate over conflicting claims (eg between different beliefs of what is ‘fair’ and ‘right’). Both are potentially useful to senior decision makers and hence their inclusion as an important ...
如果是以论述体为主的科目, 如 SBL(P1 和 P3 合并版)、P7(AAA),我则会把一些代表性的练习题答案复印下来,或者把答案的提纲抄下来,有时还会把课本上的有关例子复印下来。也是在考试前反复的熟读, 加强记忆。往往是自己整理的东西是比较容易记住的,由于是自己消化过的东西,印象会比较深刻。特别是考试前,看看...